? cried Johnny happily, rushing up behind Peter and forcing him into a headlock. He doesn't care about you. You didn't want to believe them, but you had no choice as they were becoming more true as time passed. "Avengers! https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/odoajf/comment/h6zu558/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3. #marvel (Loki x OC) [serva :D. Peter's fight with the Vulture ends up with Peter more injured than he's ever been. Peter 3 now has to try and hide his nest worried about the others thinking he is a freak. [Avengers and Spiderman]. Quickly turning around, he saw a small flash of colo, Your right leg ached with every step and your knees wobbled but you forced yourself to follow after Nick Fury without letting out how much pain you were in. Peter accidentally calls Tony 'dad' in front of The Avengers, then when he calls Ned to tell him what happens- he accidentally calls the entire Decathlon chat instead tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (53), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (19), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (9), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (8), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (48), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter parker and michelle jones - Freeform, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, I'm making this fic sound a lot more intense than it is, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafs, Maybe we need a filteration system after all, Im running on four hours of sleep let me live, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, there was a lot of me just talking about scooby doo im sorry, Idk-bruh-20's fic Ideas! Hulk said and stomped away. You were currently walking through the halls trying to avoid getting in the way of the busy agents. What about?" Since Jaid was trained/raised in SHIELD, she was always the "bab Cassidy Rogers is a normal girl with the typical high school life. Fury asked just before the alarms went off. Some have more, some have less, and occasionally, some have one on their team. Hulk nodded and scooped Peter up. "Come on Hulk I can walk myself!" "Hulk why would you do that! Spiderman. (Y/n) dropped her eyes back down to her laptop that was sitting contently on her lap. Peter has discovered that the spider who bit him's DNA is so seamlessly intertwined with his own that he will continue to mutate as he ages leading to some unexpected changes and some awkward situations. Some other spidey stories that are good are:-, 1)All Spidey oneshots by HItsuzen278 is gold.They are in Spanish though, 2)All spidey stories by HandassassinSpiderman. The table looked something like this:Tony, Peter, Bruce, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Wanda and Vision. The Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel are barely holding back the invaders attacking Earth. (silver0wolf) wrote in avengers_search, 2017-08-27 22:30:00. silver0wolf silver0wolf avengers_search 2017-08 . But he just had to go ruin it, in good Parker fashion of course. Five awkward conversations Peter likes to pretend didn't happen, plus one where Wade brings them up anyway. After years of brutal training, she meets the Maximoff Twins. Assemble in the kitchen for lunch!" Steve called. You walked into Avengers Tower, dragging your (f/c) backpack behind you. Until the day it's Tony in trouble, and Peter's world falls apart. Everyone quickly trickled into the kitchen and took their bowl of pasta from Steve. "Yes." Today was a Saturday, and he had just finished a sparring session with Bucky. I'll let you know when they aren't mine. Taken to this place with no sound. "Wil, Being the only five year old, or rather only child in general, on the helicarrier things tend to get rather boring. "Thanks Hulk. "Hey Pete-" His neck snaps over to the door, a very taken aback billionaire standing near it. Pete, look, the baby bump is already showing! shaka wear graphic tees is candy digital publicly traded ellen lawson wife of ted lawson avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony. (Sequel to Perks of Being a Spider-Man) Some if these are mine, some aren't. + Peter and Bucky sat at the large island in the kitchen while Steve cooked up some lunch. Yep. Cut! He had been so stupid. My ALL-TIME FAVORITE story is Sins of the Father by Geekymoviemom. Does whatever an iron can. Mostly Irondad and Spiderson, but some embarrassing field trips and. Something big couldn't have happened." "Good plan baby avenger." Peter quickly webbed the guy up, but was surprised when the lady screamed again and ran away. A test of her loyalty to the Avengers and herokind. Peter Parker spent his weekends at the avengers compound, training with the worlds mightiest heroes. Your shoulder was wrapped in a bandage, your arm was in a sling, and your head was spinning. Peter chuckled. Okay he liked it a little, but he mostly hated it. Pietro's death in the battle a Loki is striped of his power and sent to live with the avengers. Create a human spider with super human and spider-like abilities. When Peter Parker's Aunt dies, Tony decides to take Peter under his wing. Feed-The-Spider? MJ asked, giving Peter an amused look. "Peter? How do you think we should tell everyone about the baby? Peter asked. Barely even that, to be honest. The Winter Soldier : Completed Sam Wilson knows you're supposed to cut up food for children so they don't choke.He also enjoys teasing the Spider-Kid for basically being a toddler. Wakanda is in chaos at the ascension of their first sole female monarch. At least, until she collapses and passes out in the middle of her history class and wakes up in an very familiar tower with Peter Parker standing over her. Peter Parker Tony Stark Michelle Jones May Parker (Spider-Man) Pepper Potts Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Peter Parker Needs a Hug Precious Peter Parker Teen Peter Parker Peter Parker Has a Family Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark "Dad" Embarrassed Peter Parker Peter parker and michelle jones - Freeform Pre-Relationship Sadly I don't own these characters just the OC Isabella http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/PeterParkersFieldTripOfCourseItsToStarkIndustries. Peter rolled his eyes under his mask. "He isn't that Peter Parker? Shoot. Hulk shook his head. Clint asked, laying a gentle hand on it. Work Search: https://www.fanfiction.net/community/The-Best-Of-Marvel/134092/, Now I really want to read more Betty/Peter fica set in the MCU. (Takes place at the end of chapter 2 in More Spider than Man, so you might want to read that to understand a little better.). He's just not exactly sure how to let Tony know that he desperately needs a break. the team is reluctant but agrees, however they were not told he had someone with him. "i told you to fuck off, didn't i? time travel fics that feature spider man or any time travel avenger fics? Peter said. Author Will Change Tags As Fanfiction Progresses, Pietro Natasha Vision Loki Tony and May are alive because f canon, Peter Parker & Yagi Toshinori | All Might. It doesn't take too long before he reaches his climax, waves of pleasure surging through him. "What?" Mr. Stark immediately leaves the room, closing the door behind him frantically. (Language, sexual content, etc. (Also on AO3- archiveofourown.org/users/IceFrost07/pseuds/IceFrost07). He probablydoesn't have a very good home lifeso he takes it out on other people," you said as they started standing. In this story tony nor any of the other original avengers met Spider-Man yet but they did meet Peter since he is Tony's personal intern Tony chuckled at the entrance. Where is everyone else? you asked, looking back up at Tony. The Avengers : Completed Hulk doesn't want baby avenger to hurt. Assemble in the kitchen for lunch!" Does he rust? Just a warning to anyone sensitive to gory descriptions and things like that. "You ready Bruce?" And well, the rest is history. How else would you explain something like this? Wanda and Pe Peter isn't the same after the events of homecoming. (In this Fanfiction I decided to make Peter 16 not 17 so that he is more a kid and Norman as the green goblin be Kaelyn is trying to live a normal life, but being with the Avengers doesn't make that easy. The rest of the Avengers crowded around the doorway, with varying expressions of amusement at Clint's move. A college paper?" * :)-Obviously, this story is not completely canon. )*, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Original Male Character (Perseus Alandson). nearly has the school sued for contract violation, Tony Stark suddenly shows up to confirm all of Peter's claims are true, System for Portable Information, Data Extraction and Retrieval. This fic is based around the above post I saw on Instagram. Just kissing and undressing). That Spider-man guy?" Just as Peter cracked his eyes open to make sure he made his way into the doorway of his next class, his spidey-sense jumped, but his reaction time was late due to his state. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Natasha was sterilized a long time ago in the Red Room. Mostly Irondad and Spiderson, but some embarrassing field trips and Just a bunch of Peter Stark one shots Yes he does. "How'd you get the bruise on your arm?" Clint asked, laying a gentle hand on it. This leads to Tony being called thanks to a social worker who calls him. There are some changes to the characters, along with aged-up characters and OC's*More tags added later. Any combination in between them was most decidedly not. Being Tony Stark's younger sister had its ups and downs. Bruce was really nervous since the big guy hadn't come out in a fairly long time. ? exclaimed Patsy quietly, Why does she have it out for me?!. Yet after his breathing and heart rate had returned to normal, he could still hear the sound of pitter patter. To tell the truth you were one of the very few hunters (you only knew of two others) who took down their prey in the city. Peter hugged him tight; pressed his cheek into the man's shoulder and slowly, felt Mr. Stark's arms lower to wrap around his back. You came back! he cried happily, launching himself at you and tackling you to the ground. Awww this was so fun to write! Marvel x Mikaelson au (Y/n) Stark repeated. "I'm not a baby! When Peter suddenly barges into Tony's room late during the night, the reason is not entirely what the father expects and is certainly not anything he wants to hear. "I don't know, we turned it on some random channel," Natasha replied. The Avengers are dead. Now he's missing and nobody can find him to tell him that Tony survived. I always liked the idea of Andrews spiderman being turned and here we are, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Peter Parker & Guardians of the Galaxy Team, Mary Jane Watson & Peter Parker Friendship, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Peter Parker is Tony Starks Biological Child, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Flash Thompson, Keroberos | Cerberus (Cardcaptor Sakura) & Peter Parker, Keroberos | Cerberus (Cardcaptor Sakura) & Ned Leeds, Keroberos | Cerberus (Cardcaptor Sakura) & Flash Thompson, Keroberos | Cerberus (Cardcaptor Sakura) & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Flash Thompson, flash would rather attend an arts or a sports school. Normally he only called you in if he had a lead for something big, something that fell into your unique field of activity. "Is it another bitch gone crazy like the last one?" This fanfic can be read on Archive of Our Own here. Tony and Peter have a HEALTHY conversation about masturbation and Peter's dysphoria surrounding it. His manager dipped about an hour ago to grab more cigarettes, and hasnt been seen since. Good Is Not Soft: The moment Peter's class started their tour, Natasha has SPI-DER following them, listening in on the whole thing to check up on them. "Ya don't say S, It had actually been a long time since you had been called in by Fury to help out. He told the Avengers. You nodded with a strained smile. The Avengers now all turned to you, matching the concern on Tony's face. (Language, sexual content, etc. Contingent to the MCU (mostly). Peter rips off his mask and starts rolling on the floor laughing like a maniac. I'm Spiderman!" you said quickly.Tony laughed and gave you a side hug. It was not for a paper. Strucker tried to give her superspeed and telekinesis, but it backfired and she was given te Emma Rogers always considered her life small and unimportant, but when she meets Peter Parker, her life takes an unexpected turn, but is it for the better, or will her heart be broken? #spidermanandtheavengers Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. "No you baby. Peter didn't go to Manhattan very often-usually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasn't often. She is called Solar Flare. She said. They sat in a circle at the table as the news played in the background. A week passed before Clint confronted you about it. I couldn't live with myself if he did." "You avenger?" Hulk insisted. "Why us?" a demigod Its perfect, Ever since you'd found out Dr. Delvin was after you, you'd become quieter and reserved. Today was a Saturday, and he had just finished a sparring session with Bucky. He walked into the common room and prepared for the endless mocking. Quick "So after getting shot, your main priority was getting a sandwich instead of getting help" Most of the time he just hangs out in the back doing homework. Not daydreaming about cute blonde 70 year old virgins. Peter Parker and The Avengers 35 parts Complete Just some oneshots and mini stories of our friendly neighbourhood spiderman and the Avengers. #stark Shit. You were in Bruces lab on the examination bed. (Y/n) stood sideways in front of the mirror, a frown etched deep in her features. Friday announced. Watch for sensitive themes. Work Search: Steve called. "Guys, he's just a bully. Apparently he has been spying on them with Natasha and was talked into being generous by Pepper. Peter Parker has never even met Lady Luck, but somehow all he's ever done is piss her off. You followed the strange butterfly trying to catch it. Hulk glared. You hurt yourself!" Peter brings MJ over for movie nights and forgets about all the protocols Tony has in place. The door opened in an instant and after a breif nod to her boss Natasha turned to you. Tony smirked. Chapter 32 is published! Peter sighed. In which Loki gets in trouble for trying to take over the world "Stop teasing baby avenger! Steve loved using his slogan. When they arrived at the compound, Hulk took Peter into the Hulk-evator and went up to the common room. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Peter smiled when Hulk let him go. She was brought to the Red room, trained top of her class, Just like her, she was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Who let him in? the director, "Loki was just using you to get out of that cage. The doors opened and when everyone laid eyes on the green rage monster holding the teen in his arms, burst out into laughter. #parkerstark "No tease baby avenger!" Hey kid, how ya feeling? Clint asked. Can you tell this is my first time tagging? Of note, however, is this may be a PeterxNatahsa Prequel fanfiction. Alcohol itself is fun. Peter worried. Hulk looked at Peter and tilted his head sideways. ''I guess I was never really good at my job'' This is a book of one shots about Peter's life living with the avengers! What if she gave the son to the Parker's'? I love you, honey. I would suggest you, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Honestly of all the IronDad stories, this one is by far the best written, and quite possibly has the best finale I've seen in fanfiction ever. (In this Fanfiction I decided to make Peter 16 not 17 so . she shouted, grabbing the laptop and scoot, (Y/n), we love you so much, sweetie. Then Peter got an idea. And well, the rest is history. May and Happy are coming too, right? (Y/n) asked. Home again by CadenceIX, a good post endgame story with a less than ideal situation for peter as his friends have all aged up. I do not believe I have heard of that name," Thor said. Steve Rogers, Peter Parker (18) and fellow Avengers. Peter is ashamed and scared of how un-human he is becoming. Bruce asked. Featuring established Overprotective IronDad and a poor, beat up SpiderSon. The Red Room, a place where young women get trained to the most deadly assistants, now allies with HYDRA; Hierarchical Yet Dynamic Radio Architecture. "You baby avenger. They all split up as Bruce and Peter ran to Central Park to take on the damages there. As per the Feed-The-Spider protocol, I must remind you it is time to eat.. Peter cheered. He was wrapped tight between the Hulk's arms. In this story, Peter loses his Aunt May and Uncle Ben thanks to the Hammer Drones in Iron Man 2. But one day he knew that it wasnt just his imagination, after he left the work out room, at first the loud thumping of his heart blocked out noise for a while. He yelled. "Oh Hazel Anderson started her life in Manhattan when she was fifteen, running from school and social services after her mum died. How was school?" How could he have forgotten about all the ridiculous protocol names that Tony had installed. It turned the corner quickly and you followed suit, running into someone. Hulk must protect baby avenger." He forgot to lock it. Follow Peter Romanoff as he deals with Avenger Missions Sequel to Lila Barton and Peter Romanoff. After the Vulture and Dr. Octopus incident Peter and the Avengers believe that it is time to relax and take a break. Well, adoptive daughter. Age Of Ultron : Completed Not sure how many chapters there are going to be, and chapters will probably be uploaded randomly. Let's rip up some robots!" "(Y/n), can we talk?" *The OC name has nothing to do with the Greek God of War, I just liked the name. They took away the one thing that could make her feel human again: the ability to have children. Peters out patrolling in heavy rain and theres no crime so Tony invites him over. Upon saying that, Nick gave him a glare. Tell me, Parker, grinned Johnny, Ever get a boiling wet willy?. Thanks for reading!~Taco. Jaid grew up in SHIELD. When orphan Elaina Beau, meets Peter Parker, he brings her to the Avengers Headquarters, where Tony Stark sees good in her. They ran off and Hulk and Peter spent awhile smashing robots. Irondad (biological and adopted) Tony and Pepper are cuddling on the couch when FRIDAY announces Spider-Man has recently been active. Peter Parker, the most luck challenged kid in all of Queens, fell asleep before he could set his alarm and woke up forty-five minutes late dazed, disoriented, and in MAJOR trouble. He knew the bullet would have probably killed him if Hulk didn't step in, but that didn't stop him from worrying. What are you doing running about the halls?" The Peters have a sleepover at Peter 3's. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Oh, if Peter wasnt such a stickler for sweet things maybe he wouldnt even be in this position. Loki x reader. Natasha invited as she stepped to the side to let you pass. What exactly does the leader of the Juveniles and youngest Avenger do when he's alone? He climbed down Hulk's back and was facing the big guy. Tony shouted, pulling you into a loose headlock and giving you a noogie, making you visibly wince and suck in a sharp breath. Enjoy! Harley leaves love letters in Peters locker, people also deliver them in the middle of classes. "(Y/N) but just listen, if I can cure the common cold I would be a hero! Anyone could hunt for a deer or boar, and none of those would be found in the city anyway. go read the illiad, you dumb shithea What if Natasha Romanoff had a son in the Red Room? Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Or making a fanfiction? Agents were frantically searching through the systems to find the source of alarm. "Come on in (y/n)." Thor asked pulling you back up to your feet, "What's the funniest word?" He said and walked off. #nedleeds What happened? you mumbled. Plus I knew you would go attack him," you said, making the group chuckle. Old Avengers Retire Eventually; Peter Parker leads Avengers; so does Sam Wilson; Summary-A Loki/OC (Perseus Alandson) Fanfiction. "No, you can't have it!" Hulk will protect." They ate in a comfortable silence until Friday interrupted. "I'll be right back." Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Not necessarily my favorite, but isn't noticeable from what I remember. "I told Tony not to put the hot sauce in your. "You could say that." Let's go smash some robots!" When his teacher and principal's disbelief in Peter's "internship" lands him in hot water, Tony shows up unannounced, not only proving that Peter was not lying, but also uncovers just how little the school did to confirm these lies and then walks out with Peter early to get ice cream. The outcast Mikaelson Isabella queen of the fairy's, daughter of the original hybrid meets What if in Amazing Spiderman 2 instead of Andrew Garfield its Tom Holland and instead of Aunt May raising him its Black Widow and the Avengers. Once an angel, she MCU X OC insert. (Most of them have Spidey as an antihero or little bit darker and brutal than its comic counterpart), 3)Web of Justice by ScarletScriber(JL crossover), 4)The Amazing Spider-Man: True Purpose by Secret Agent Man Jp, 5)Amazing and its sequel.prequel by HAWKEYE21343, https://archiveofourown.org/series/2440990. 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