The Product Life Cycle consists of the following four distinct stages: Introduction: An organization attempts to establish itself as a pioneer/market leader (especially if there are few competitors), & product development costs are high. Which of the following statements about the slotting allowances charged by many retailers is true? 91. The most popular method for distributing coupons is: D. joint trade promotions, 110. It is the act of designing and creating the company's image and communicating the benefits of the company's products, so it gains a distinct place in the market. B. \text{0} & \text{1} & \text{2} & \text{3} & \text{4} & \text{5}\\ A. A. contests; sweepstakes B. 5. Psychological /Psychographic segmentation variables are closely related to blank______. B. point-of-purchase display Effective Segmentation is actionable. D. Contests/sweepstakes. D. There is no general number associated with coupon redemption. The franchisor (the company) benefits include capital, efficiencies and economies of scale, committed people, reduced investment risk, and the ability to focus on core functions (product development). Match the following terms with the descriptions below. Targeting: Attracting some of those customers makes better sense than going after others. ______ generate(s) much higher trial rates than advertising and other sales promotion techniques. B. premium. C. same purchase A. is used in portfolio analysis and classifies brands or products according to whether each has a strong or weak market share and a slow or growing market. Sampling 68. This discount will be deducted straight from the bill. Differences between products and services are as follows: Intangibilityservices cannot be evaluated using sight, touch, smell and communicating the benefits is often difficult. C. Contests and sweepstakes It doesn't ask customers what's important in a hotel. D. There is strong agreement that any type of sales promotion activity detracts from brand equity. A. a slotting fee. Exploratory: Focus groups and interviews are used to formulate marketing questions. A. A. sweepstakes and contests The two approaches are the attribute-based approach and multidimensional scaling (MDS). This payment is known as: Rebates and high value checkout coupons 26. _____ has/have become very popular in recent years as marketers develop integrated marketing programs that create experiences for consumers in an effort to associate their brands with certain lifestyles and activities. Kraft is concerned that families consume Miracle Whip only on sandwiches, using a tablespoon or two at a time. Which of the following is NOT an advantage inherent in the use of coupons as a sales promotion tool? B. horizontal cooperative advertising A limitation of this sampling method is that the sample is distributed only to purchasers of the carrier brand. C. maturity a. Asymmetric idea b. Which of the following statements about the coordination of advertising and sales promotion efforts is true? 3. C. sweepstakes ________ is an exchange between a firm and its customers. D. promotional traps. \text { Actual factory overhead costs for March } & \$ 12,990,000 & \$ 10,090,000 \\ Firms may forward integrate, meaning doing an activity that is "downstream" so the function is closer to the end consumer, or backward integrate, meaning doing an activity "upstream", so the function is further away from the customer than the company is currently doing. D. Event sponsorships. B. An increasingly popular means of using co-purchasing patterns to generate sales is Internet recommendation agents, such as Amazon. A. In-store sampling Kellogg's is introducing a new brand of breakfast cereal that is high in fibre and targeted at adults between the ages of 25 and 50. 45. Perishabilityservices cannot be stored and hence matching supply with demand is critical. D. Discount trading, 100. Through the marketing activities above, Colin is utilizing a pull strategy creating consumer demand and pulling consumers, retailers, and distributors to his product. A. Uncle Ben's Rice attached a $1-off coupon to the outside of their packaging. c. vigilantism. Jeff ran a promotion offering a box of fifteen Pinnacle golf balls for the same regular price as twelve balls. Each role seeks different attributes (price, great features, delivery date, customer service). This is an example of: D. Bonus packs. A pull marketing strategy, also called a pull promotional strategy, refers to a strategy in which a firm aims to increase the demand for its products and draw (pull) consumers to the product. 49. A. The redemption rate for refunds is lower than that for coupons because: C. Bonus packs, trade allowances, and slotting fees D. allow a marketer to offer a price reduction to consumers who are price sensitive without having to reduce the price for everyone, 48. Retailers then reach out to the producer, so that they can stock the product and respond to direct consumer demand. The preliminary engagement activities include all of the following except: A) Determine the audit engagement team requirements. The toy company Hasbro teamed with the retailer Toys R Us to create direct mail booklets offering discounts on Hasbro toys good only at Toys R Us stores. B. strengthen the brand image. C. 24% D. induce trial of a new brand that is clearly superior to the competition, 41. How has the view of sales promotions changed during the past decades? Question: QUESTION 1 Examples of functional requirements include the following, EXCEPT: A. descriptions of the tasks the system will have to perform - inputs, processing and outputs. & \text {Factory 1}& \text {Factory 2}\\ C. exhibitions A. sweepstakes; contest A. D. When small refunds are being offered, marketers may find other promotional incentives, such as coupons, more effective. Quaker Oats cereal included tubes of Colgate Junior toothpaste inside each box of Life cereal. is a marketing strategy, which aims to differentiate a brand in relation to competing brands in order to gain market share. ScoreSTRTSALINCSGL227.0019.0044.0148.894.70230.6717.9040.1743.914.60230.6719.2044.7947.645.10\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} Rebates can encourage brand switching or repeat purchase behaviour. D. a coop allowance. Simple averages are taken over the questions resulting in a pair of means for each attribute. Because they are easier to enter, _____ attract more entries than _____ and have become a more widely used sales promotion technique. Types of Shopping: Business to Business (B2B). Most retailers want to be involved with rebate programs. If the promotion is ongoing, it is difficult to predict consumer behaviour should the reinforcement ever stop. The dashboard is an indicator of a company's success. B. sampling A. Marketers have to be certain that the attribute helps to determine customer needs and preferences and is not a simplistic stereotype. To obtain trial of a new brand D. in-pack coupon, 103. Demographics are customer attributes that are easy to identify and commonly used. 4. D. spiffs, 104. Some measures on a dashboard would include sales, profit margins, market share, employee satisfaction, and customer satisfaction. 5. B. provide the marketer with an immediate gauge as to how well the product will do in the marketplace Sales promotions do not contribute to the erosion of brand equity. Simple random sampleWhen every population element (e.g., a person) has an equal chance of being included in the sample is when one party cooperates with another because the former seeks affiliation with the latter. -Technique Geographic distinctions between customers have also been used to segment markets. To integrate advertising and sales promotion programs successfully, different themes should be used for each. 1 According to SS+K, which of the following is both about engaging the audience and discovering opportunities to connect with them? A. consumer franchise-building promotion \hline \text { Estimated factory overhead cost for fiscal } & & \\ Probability sampleImplies the probability of selecting any respondent from the population into the sample is known A. introduction D. The contest or sweepstakes often fails to contribute to the brand franchise. a Material movement. One such video is the Tide Pod Challenge, which was popularized by. Door-to-door sampling $1.50 B. Five Paradise Island, Bahamas Resort Hotels combining efforts to sponsor an "It's better in the Bahamas" ad campaign, is an example of: D. $150,000, 53. List of Excel Shortcuts 1. B. vertical cooperative advertising A sweepstakes or contest that uses a theme which is consistent with the image or positioning of the brand. Gillette's market research shows that most consumers decide upon a brand of deodorant at the point-of-purchase rather than before entering the store. 67. Which of the following statements about sales promotion programs is true? B. price-off deal D. an off-invoice allowance. D. cost-plus. A customer compares brands by the most important attributes or dimensions. Establish an effective distribution network. C. There is a belief that sales promotion can be over used by too much frequency, resulting in a decrease in brand equity. c. organizing neighborhood watch programs d. changing the delivery of police services c One hazard of citizen patrols is the possibility of a. volunteerism. 1. 2. Brian's boss is explaining the concept of buying centers in B2B marketing. Using the scale of 1 (not very important) to 7 (extremely important), participants rate the same categories again (water sports, meals included, available excursions, nice rooms and good quality for money). C. in/on packs C. Consumers pocket most of the savings from trade promotion discounts. With a _____, consumers compete for prizes and/or money on the basis of skills or ability, while with a _____, winners are determined purely by chance. D. In-store coupons for $1.00 off Miracle Whip, 33. Scanner data for pricing A trade layout A. cross-ruff They distributed 1,000,000 promotional packages, at a cost of $20,000 for design and production. MolsonCoors's heavy financial involvement with and support of freestyle skiing competitions, beach volleyball tournaments, and other sporting events is an example of: Another term used for push money that is given to retailers' or wholesalers' sales staff to encourage them to promote and sell a company's product is: D. growth. Type of channel conflicts include: Some measures will confirm advantages over competitors while other measures can serve as a diagnostic in identifying problems. C. dyadic 13. B. All of the following are examples of trade-oriented sales promotion activities EXCEPT: 9. A strategy in which a firm increases demand for its products and draws (pulls) consumers to the product. Additional managerial commitment required B. diverting Marketing channels assume financial risks such as international exchange rates and inventory obsolescence; and provide marketing communications (e.g., advertising and sales promotion), physical distribution, inventory management, and market feedback. Clustering methods use survey data to group observations (individuals) that are most similar into a cluster (group). It's important for a company to oversee multiple measures to manage the company optimally. Manufacturers can use any of the marketing mix variables to push to partners or encourage pull from consumers. Integration simply means having the activity "done in house" rather than outsourced. A. cross-ruff Modified rebuy: You reach for your brand of toothpaste but you try a new flavor. -Try to answer questions with secondary data. Additionally, this open dialogue allows . What is the total cost of the coupon promotion to Uncle Ben's? Consumers do not want to be bothered saving cash register receipts and proofs of purchase. Revenue can be increased by changing price or through an increase in volume. D. Mail-in refunds and rebates, 57. d. All of the above b C. brand equity building The marketing objectives for the introduction are to generate trial and repeat purchase during the 3-month product launch. C. A bonus jar of Hellmann's Mayonnaise, offering 1 L for the price of 750 mL. In the ________ stage of the product life cycle, a large amount of the promotion budget may be allocated to sales promotion techniques such as sampling and couponing to induce trial. B. bounce-back A. push money A. Based on these findings, what form of promotion is most effective for Gillette's Right Guard brand? A. encourage consumers to buy on the basis of price E. all of the above. -Design primary data collection. _____ is a practice used by retailers whereby they stock-up on a product at a low deal or off-invoice price and resell it to consumers at higher prices when a promotional period has ended. Dare makes Breton snack crackers, which compete with many other brands in the category. C. Premiums and sweepstakes is when by size or expertise, one party can make claims and threats that encourage the other party to conform. Strategic marketing activities could focus on current and/or future customers (markets) or current and/or future/new products. The various types of samples are as follows: New usage suggestions D. Slotting allowances are illegal and banned by the federal government. Consumers are less likely to redeem a coupon or respond to a price-off deal for a brand they are familiar with than one they know nothing about. Marketing research relies on several types of samples; blank__________ is not related. One problem resulting from the overuse of sales promotion is a decrease in: The advantage of online surveys is _______. \hline \text { Score } & \text { STR } & \text { TSAL } & \text { INC } & \text { SGL } \\ affirmative action, resident alien, counsel, double jeopardy, illegal alien, exclusionary rule, Jim Crow laws, security classification system, naturalization, non-resident alien. B. The increase of brand loyalty in many product categories C. Image advertising They pay retailer handling and processing costs of 10 per coupon redeemed. The retailer was engaged in: C. refund offer In order to provide an incentive to a current user to purchase Breton instead of other cracker brands when the consumer next goes shopping, which of the following sales promotion tools would work best for Dare? The hope is that by offering intermediaries incentives, they will get behind the products and push them to the final consumer. Assembly activities. An appliance manufacturer offers a $50 payment to salespeople who work at Culligan's Appliance if they sell one of the company's new refrigerators. D. trade promotions, 28. B. New buy: You're buying teeth whitening strips for the first time and think what attributes must you consider. In order to provide an incentive to a current user to purchase Breton instead of other cracker brands while the consumer is shopping for crackers, which of the following sales promotion tools would work best for Dare? A. C. A rebate award Nonprobability sampleA sample drawn due to specific research considerations and/or the researcher's judgement (a shopping mall-intercept survey). Education reform is one of the most hotly debated subjects on both state and national policy makers' list of socioeconomic topics. Gray market conflict is unauthorized buying and selling among channel partners. Once the appropriate number of clusters has been determined, the marketer names each segment by some identifying common characteristic(s). This process is known as blank_______. Consumers must pay the manufacturer's out-of-pocket costs for a _____ premium. to a company attempting to a The percentage discount that the face value of checkout coupons represents They predict that the redemption rate will be 5%. B. 3. Key issues involved in channel design include the number of intermediaries involved, the intensity of distribution, and whether to use a push or pull strategy or both. An in/on package coupon that is redeemable for a future purchase of the same brand is known as a(n) _____ coupon. D. sales promotion trap, 22. D. Manufacturers are introducing more private-label brands. C. permit a brand to obtain prominent place where high traffic occurs. Which of the following statements about sales promotion programs is true? C. brand equity Enacted tax rates are 34% for 2018 and 2019, and 40% for 2020. Sampling A. A. the payoff is smaller. VALS (values and lifestyles) is a popular tool for segmenting using psychographic data. Uncle Ben's Rice attached a $1-off coupon to the outside of their packaging. d. What is the predicted score if everything else is the same as in part (c) except INC === 80?80 ?80? There may be prose or poetry interpretation. \text { Estimated machine hours for year } & 600,000 & \\ Seven Popular Marketing Research Techniques, 1. C. Bonus packs Variabilityservice quality differs based on who performs the service unless standardization in service quality is offered through training. 2. \end{array} means each customer serves as his or her own segment. In the _________ stage of the product life cycle, promotional dollars may be used primarily for advertising to stress differences and keep the brand name in consumers' minds. D. Many retailers require promotional deals such as discounts and allowances just to handle a new product. D. new product fees. Recipe books showing alternative uses for Miracle Whip A. introduction stage A. Multidimensional scaling for perpetual mapping, targeting and positioning A. provide brands that sell in retail stores the opportunity to have specialized displays to feature their product. When a marketer distributes coupons for a brand with a specific expiration date, they are attempting to use sales promotion as a(n): 6. C. definition of business rules and organizational policies incorporated into the. Secondary vs. Primary: B. Bonus packs: B. sweepstakes; contests When calculating the costs of a couponing program, marketers should consider all of the following EXCEPT: The following are illustrative examples of a push . 15% In a pull marketing strategy, a firm markets its product directly to consumers. D. In-or on-package sampling, 43. Which of the following statements about on-package sampling is NOT true? After spending months in the hot weather of Hong Kong, Colin developed an innovative fan product that emits no sound, is priced competitively, is energy efficient, and is able to cool a room to a chosen temperature. D. bounce back coupon, 81. Four Classes of Goals D. A sales promotion works best when its theme is not an integrated part of the organization's marketing communications. What is the cost per coupon redeemed to Uncle Ben's? B. Bonus packs C. sweepstakes; event sponsorship The primary distinction between segmenting businesses and consumers is that the data sources tend to be different. High value checkout coupons 26 the concept of buying centers in B2B marketing hours for year } & &... Whip only on examples of pull oriented activities include the following except, using a tablespoon or two at a time positioning the! Audience and discovering opportunities to connect with them strategy, a firm markets product! Who performs the service unless standardization in service quality is offered through training is most effective for gillette Right... Regular price as twelve balls the delivery of police services c one hazard of citizen patrols is the of... Of channel conflicts include: some measures will confirm advantages over competitors other... Firm and its customers You consider from brand equity Enacted tax rates are 34 % for 2020 been determined the... 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