We benefit as a community when everyone has a home. While we agree that consenting adults ought to be free to do as they please, that freedom doesn't extend to behaviors that harm others. But we believe he righted the ship. This blatant attempt for tribes and corporations to write their own laws that give them a permanent advantage over their competitors while handcuffing Californians with laws that are nearly impossible to alter should be opposed. We want to give him the chance to prove his chops and we believe that, as a Mayoral appointee, he will be aligned with the Mayor's broader goals of fiscal responsibility and educational outcomes. The rest would go toward tribes that are not involved in sports gambling. This leads to long-term public health improvements. This article was updated on Oct. 27, 2022. Is Californias drought finally over? This doesn't inspire much confidence. San Francisco's district attorney race. The Chronicle editorial boards full list of endorsements in the June 7 California primary election. Scroll down to read our full San Francisco voter guide, or print our cheat-sheet to share in person. Everyone's journey to recovery is different and San Francisco needs to help. Volunteer Events Contact GOP Volunteer Clubs Register to Vote 2022 Resolutions . Finally, this tax not only doesn't bring existing vacant units onto the market, it also makes it less likely for new homes to be built! That would increase funding by about $1 billion starting next year, according to an estimate from the attorney generals office. Mandelman has a strong track record of introducing legislation to ensure the homeless, mentally disturbed, and drug addicted get the help they need to get off the streets and into shelter and treatment. Chen is our pick to help make California more accountable to its taxpayers. The 2024 United States Senate election in California will be held on November 5, 2024, to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of California. She's done a fine job over the last few years and, notably, was a force in reopening the Powell St BART bathrooms, which had been closed for nearly twenty years due to terrorism concerns after 9/11 (yes, really, twenty years!). This amends a previous ballot measure from 1998. Having a state constitutional guarantee is the strongest defense against a nationwide abortion ban. could be eligible for a share of $104 million. Jenkins is also taking anti-Asian hate crimes more seriously than her predecessor. Padilla looks to defend his spot in the Senate in his first election for a full term. All new housing will still be subject to multiple layers of debate and red tape, fully compliant housing will still be subject to political interference, and it has a poison pill that will kill all of the good things about Prop D. Like Prop D, Prop E will not cost the city any extra money. Yes on Prop. Engardio has also pledged he will support more public magnet schools in language, arts, and sciences. Her opponent lacks the background and experience to do the job better. Our elections are one of the most critical tools to move us closer to this vision. So, while this year's Prop B isn't perfect and we'll still end up with an extra, totally unnecessary commission, we at least end up slightly better off than before, so you should vote Yes. In 2012 City planners acknowledged mounting evidence of sustained coastal erosion over the next several decades and the risk it posed to a critical wastewater treatment plant. Subscribe to our newsletter and voter guide! She undoubtably has the better housing platform. Prop. Chen graduated with degrees in law and political science from Harvard, served on the Social Security Advisory Board under President Obama, and currently teaches public policy at Stanford. Click here to sign up and read about our email policy. We can help you get involved in issues that matter in our San Francisco community. Endorsements are made by writers and editors from the opinion pages after researching the issues and interviewing the candidates. Rafael Mandelman: He can be wishy washy in trying to appease both sides of the citys progressive and moderate factions. November 2022 California general election. This is nothing other than a desperate power grab to outlaw abortion in states like California, that stand strong in our convictions to offer safe and reproductive health care to those who need it most. Sierra Club California 2022 endorsements of candidates for state legislative and statewide offices. The editorial positions of The Chronicle, including election recommendations, represent the consensus of the editorial board, consisting of the publisher, the editorial page editor and staff members of the opinion pages. 28: Studies routinely show the benefits of art and music education. Oversight might. By law, all amendments to ballot measures must also go to a vote of the full electorate and achieve a 50% + 1 majority. B, when voters directed the city to split its Public Works department in two and create a new department focused on street-cleaning. Under Bonta's leadership, California has rejected illegal "housing element" plans from cities that seek to exclude new residents by keeping the supply of housing artificially small. N:Another Article 34 authorization measure. A Yes vote will allow the law to be implemented and let the legislature do its job. Would also allow additional gamblingsuch as rouletteat tribal casinos. 06/07/2022 07:51 PM EDT. Our current housing crisis must be addressed by preserving and drastically increasing affordable and market-rate housing stock and expanding tenant protections. Housing: I'd like to address our housing crisis by increasing the supply of all types of housing for all income levels and making it easier to build and maintain affordable housing. While Phil Ting is qualified for the job, his behavior disqualifies him from our endorsement. Despite controversy over an endorsement questionnaire gaffe, appointed incumbent Ann Hsu still has the support of a number of groups. Proposition 1 proponents Senator Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) and Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California President and CEO Jodi Hicks issued the following statement: News of Senator Grahams federal abortion ban, while despicable, comes as no surprise. Get in touch at peter@wanderlog.com if you have any suggestions or if you find any inaccuracies! San Francisco enacted a flavored vaping ban in 2019, and Oakland implemented some restrictions shortly before us. Statements are volunteered by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company donated nearly $10 million, Philip Morris USA donated $9.1 million, and ITG Brands (maker of blu e-cigarettes) donated $500,000. But it is also worth highlighting that her main opponent, John Hamasaki, holds views that are anathema to a safe city. It may seem like she has no chance of winning, but due to how this position is elected, candidates don't need to win over 50% they just need to be one of the top three vote-getters. The office has such limited powers that either candidate would probably do a fine job. Prop I will make it impossible for the City to pursue its preferred approach and force the City to use an alternate plan which could add as much as $80 million to the project. A coalition of advocacy groups including GrowSF, Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco, the NorCal Carpenters Union, SPUR, the Housing Action Coalition, SF YIMBY, and the Greenbelt Alliance gathered enough signatures to put it on the ballot. In particular, we found his competitor's answers to our questionnaire both troubling and frustratingly vague. While it doesn't matter if you vote in this race, we still think you should vote for Joaqun. Proposition 30 is an Initiative Statute which would fund investments in fighting and preventing wildfires and reduce climate emissions and air pollution from vehicles by subsidizing installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, hydrogen fueling infrastructure, and purchases of electric and other zero-emissions vehicles. Paid for by Sierra Club Political Committee, www.sierraclub.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Financial Disclosures available atsfethics.org. A full term is 12 years, but justices may only be eligible for retentions of four or eight years if they are completing the unexpired term of the previous office-holder. Hamasaki did eventually step down from the Police Commission, but what isn't mentioned is that his appointment term expired and no one in City Hall showed any interest in renewing it. Instead, Prop 29 will mandate that expensive doctors be required to be on-site during all patient treatments. This is necessary to implement certain safety and access improvements arising from turning JFK Drive into a public promenade. Review voter eligibility requirements and ways to register to vote. As Supervisor, he has introduced legislation to get drug addicts the help they need and has literally cleaned up streets: Dorsey has also been a consistent pro-housing voice, supports our Affordable Homes Now ballot measure (Prop D), and earned the endorsement of housing champion Scott Wiener and SF YIMBY. 30 is a crucial effort to meet the urgency of the moment. This measure would move the citys mayoral elections to presidential election years starting in 2024. Attorney General Rob Bonta, who was appointed by the governor after predecessor Xavier Becerra joined the Biden administraton, runs for a full term. We'll leave you with his top three priorities, in his own words: California has an interesting system (PDF) for the State Supreme Court and the State Courts of Appeal. We invite you to express your views in a letter to the editor. We heard from a ton of incredible candidates during our August meeting and heard about their plans and priorities, and how they plan on fighting for progressive values across the City. The front-runners: Jenkins and her opponent Joe Alioto Veronese are widely considered the more moderate candidates, while John Hamasaki skews progressive. Supervisor Rafael Mandelman is running against laywer Kate Stoia in District 8, which includes the Castro. California . Overall, Prop 28 will help California students have a well-rounded education, foster important skills, and provide better instruction and materials to students across the state. She will return to the city this Friday for a roundtable . The California Democratic Party makes endorsements for federal and state office and state ballot measures. A pair of Republican House members in Mississippi are in danger of losing renomination after Tuesday's primaries, which saw several . Below is a roundup of our picks, including state ballot. The measure would allow the city to develop, construct or acquire 13,000 affordable rental housing units by removing a state barrier that prevents local governments from developing or buying "low-rent" housing without a majority vote from taxpayers. Yes on Prop. FPPC # 1433436. the two affordable housing measures on the ballot, supported by Mayor London Breed and housing supply advocates, controversy over an endorsement questionnaire gaffe, still has the support of a number of groups. The long version is much more confusing, and is explained in greater detail of page 2 of the Legislative Digest. November 2022 Voter Guide SPUR analyzed all local and state measures on the California, San Francisco, San Jos and Oakland ballots for the November 2022 election. Scroll down to read our full San Francisco voter guide, or print our cheat-sheet to share in person. However, spending on health care by the state and local governments would likely go down over time, though an estimate for this cost savings was not provided by the Legislative Analyst's Office. Read both questionnaires and vote your conscience. Proposition B is a Charter Amendment introduced by the Board of Supervisors which will partially repeal a ballot measure from 2020 which split the Department of Public Works into two departments: Department of Public Works and the Department of Sanitation and Streets. She is one of the few California Democrats who have stood up to powerful Teachers Unions, most notably in 2015 when she proposed a bill that would require teachers to be evaluated based on their students' performance. We're not affiliated with any of the organizations or sources listed. The penalties for keeping a unit vacant are steep climbing to $20,000 per unit by 2026. All rights reserved. Sally Lieber (D) says that she "will fight to ensure that everyday people are heard; that our tax system is fair and equitable for homeowners, renters, people living with disabilities, small businesses, and communities of color; that utilities and other big money interests pay their fair share; and that every state agency works to combat climate change". Fax: (415) 554-7344 So while keeping DPW whole is definitely a win, getting a new commission that can be staffed with political cronies that have no real power or accountability is not great. The Bay Area will catch a break from winter storms for a couple days, but it wont last very long. Since taking office earlier this year, Dorsey has put forward sweeping new legislation to clean up the district and to arrest the dealers of deadly drugs. Santos is not who we thought he was, said San Francisco donors who gave thousands to the questionable congressman. Proposition M will cause homes to not get built. Vote for Joel Engardio to bring a focus on public safety, education, and fiscal responsibility to City Hall. Alex Padilla: Padilla is an experienced legislator and a staunch supporter of voting and abortion rights. Unfortunately Supervisor Waltons challenger, Brian Sam Adam, doesnt align on most of our policies, either. The lack of any serious challenger does highlight a problem with California democracy the Democratic party prevents qualified candidates from running against their top pick. Back. In fact, the Federal government already requires that kidney dialysis clinics have a medical director who is a board-certified physician that oversees the clinic and is responsible for ensuring high-quality medical care and staff are adequately trained to handle all aspects of dialysis treatment. In her first election in 2018, Gabriela Lpez only obtained 13% of the vote. City Hall must stop treating residents like an ATM and focus on getting basic services right. According to Article II, Section 8 of the California Constitution, amendments to the California Constitution may be introduced by collecting signatures (8% of the votes cast in the most recent Governor's race). Sign Up Our endorsements Sign up for GrowSF's weekly roundup of important SF news. The Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (DHSH) is now spending nearly $1 billion per year on homelessness services and desperately needs an audit. I: You dont have to like car-free JFK Drive to vote no on this measure. Fewer people would start and continue smoking due to the absence of fruit-flavored tobacco. A society must decide, together, that education is important and ensure that we are not failing our neighbors' children. Prop G will have a relatively large impact on the cost of government in San Francisco, but only because it will reallocate money away from the General Fund and toward schools. See story. Not only are flavors a "major driver" of youth e-cigarette usage, but a CDC study found that over 22% of children using tobacco said they first tried tobacco because "they are available in flavors, such as mint, candy, fruit, or chocolate". Rather than being a place for children and families to enjoy Golden Gate Park safely, Prop I will require cars use this pedestrian space. kern county elections 2022. internship report sample business administration / nswc crane small arms registry login / kern county elections 2022. fisk heroes addon packs. The research shows that higher-turnout elections tend to result in moderate candidates getting elected because they must appeal to a larger electorate rather than cater to small special interests. Three appointed associate justices Patricia Guerrero, Joshua Groban and Martin Jenkins are on the ballot for the first time. GrowSF declined to make an endorsement in this contest. He opposes housing and business growth and doesnt support car-free spaces for families. No endorsement: Ricardo Lara would be a better commissioner than his cartoonish opponent, but we cant endorse him over ethics concerns. Prop 27 also institutes over sixty pages of new rules around tax collection, spending, and social programs that can only be amended by the legislature with a five-sixths supermajority! https://t.co/DOTsTpKeFo. Ultimately, Cohen edged out her competitor for our endorsement, but you might come to a different conclusion than we did. What is an "out there" change that you would make to state/local government policy, if you could? Mike Ege can be reached at [emailprotected]. However, by maintaining the status quo of bureaucratic delays, the existing costs to taxpayers will remain. 2022 San Francisco elections Election dates Filing deadline: November 19, 2021 (special), March 11, 2022 (primary/special election), June 14, 2022 (supervisors) August 12, 2022 (general) Primary election: June 7, 2022 General election: February 15, 2022 (special), June 7, 2022 (special), & November 8, 2022 Election stats pizza favorite shuts down after 13 years, plus more closings, Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). Kashef Qaadri for Dublin City Council- WON! He faces Republican Nathan Hochman, a former assistant U.S. attorney general. The 2022 Kansas Attorney General election took place on November 8, 2022, to elect the Attorney General of Kansas.Incumbent Republican Attorney General Derek Schmidt announced he would retire to run for Governor. More importantly this constitutional amendment would act as a critical legal shield against any conflicting federal law. This measure would require the state to increase funding for arts and music education in K-12 public schools by an amount equivalent to 1% of its general fund budget for public schools the year before. D is an attempt to plan for it on our own terms. November 8, 2022: California General Election State Races: State-wide Races: Secretary of State: Dr. Shirley Weber - WON! San Francisco General Election - November 8, 2022 Thank you so much for your participation and involvement in our November 2022 endorsements process! The Sunset deserves a representative who is more interested in helping the community than their own political career. This helps low-income people find and apply for jobs, helps people connect with city services like job training and low-income housing, and even provides respite from heat waves. GrowSF did not make an endorsement in this race in the June primary, but in the general we think that Tony Thurmond is your best choice. SFYR Meeting with Bill Shireman Mar 16, 2023 An evening with Alex Stein Mar 24, 2023 See All Updates Get Involved Learn More GrowSF knows that funding isn't the only thing that matters for school performance, but more money certainly helps! However, we don't think he's perfect: he thinks we spend too much money on Police and public safety, and wants the Public Defender to expand its scope to enact broad policy reforms. But it does not include funding sources. She graduated from UCLA with a Ph.D when she was only 26 years old, and taught for four decades at San Diego State. In fact only 1 of 7 Commissioners is required to have that kind of experience. GrowSF endorsed Haney in the June Primary and we stand by that pick in November. 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