Far from your basic small talk, these are the questions to ask when you want to spark a fascinating discussion about heavy topics. Hi all! "Counseling through their pain and struggles takes time. Other peoples kids had shown us that parenting could be tough. 2. Designed to be both a place of nurture for committed Christian women and a "safe place" to bring community friends, it often becomes a bridge into the church. The diversity doesn't stop there. II. 1. Take it in turns to ask and answer questions. We hope these mom group conversation starters will help facilitate community with other women. When my son began to narrate our Friday nights step by step the way toddlers do, I began to grasp how very comforting our Pizza Movie Night is to every member of our family. Hannah Anderson May 6, 2022 Mother's Day God Chose Moms. I shudder when I think of the many glib references to the headlong slide into degradation. 3. Parents have a rough November these days. Small Group Discussion Resources - Christian Parenting Small Group Discussion Resources Do you lead a MOPS or local mom small group? It is christian family book. For too long, our wicked culture and a man-centered, dilute interpretation of Scripture have told us how to converse- with God- with ourselves- and with one another. Wonderful tool for organizing church functions. Someone suggested at one of our first meetings this year that we each write prayer requests down on a card, and then we all take a different card. 29. With just a few thoughtful questions, you can quickly grow to understand one anothers hearts. We find solid ground that allows us to stand firm and strong against the winds of circumstance with joy and hope! There we have a richly textured picture that allows us to see the disparate pieces of our lives in Gods sovereign, capable care. You may purchase audio recordings of any of the Mom to Mom teaching sessions for your personal use as instant downloads in MP3 format. Community Service Ideas for Small Groups I happened upon your site and was able to incorporate some questions to help the group. Desperate to meet other moms after a move to a new city, I invited eight moms I barely knew from church to join me once a week to read and talk about a book on motherhood. If we are going to have good days regardless of the circumstances, we need to get the whole picture! This study sets the foundation for our conversations on the bedrock of Gods speech to us in His Word. teach the older women to . Critical thinking skills. I so wish I had some advice or experience to share! In order to understand conversation, why it is important and how we may use it well we must understand where it came from and its original purpose. I made the graphic above by taking a picture of one of my Tshirts and a book I was reading that Id previously posted on Instagram, and put the pink block over the book with the information for our church. Social Behavior. Time management skills. Chemistry is very important and lasting relationships take time to develop). We must revisit this theme of submission to rid us of current, powerful hollow and deceptive philosophies that depend on human tradition rather than on Christ. Church Games Discuss what integrity looks like in school, at home, through activities and in relationships with others. This makes it feel more like a group of friends and less like one person is always doing all the speaking. The stage is yours. Best of luck! Ultimate Eurovision Trivia: 96 Quiz Questions To Test Your Knowledge With! Small Group Ice Breakers: 25 Good Questions. 5 Ways to Make Proverbs Come Alive for Your Kids. By joining, you'll be able to set up your own profile, invite friends, receive and send messages, sponsor causes and plug into the community! What is your end goal, your purpose as a parent? This is true of our every days and for the long haul! God is faithful to feed and nurture the righteous life within which He created and brings to completion as we commit ourselves to walk in His ways, in dependence on Christs work for us. My first year we met on alternating days/evenings so as not to leave out working moms, but the attendance dwindled and eventually no one came, so we stopped. Church Drinking and drug use are controversial topics for most Christians. FREE Download -5 Ways to Encourage . 3. A parade of saints from the pages of Scripture and through the time of the Reformation to the present echoes this truth. Youve come a long, long way!. One of the moms this summer suggested that when the weather is nice we meet on another day at a local park for play dates! The Importance of Establishing Family Traditions. How do you include extended family in your Christmas celebration? Relationships fail because we have not gone to Gods Word to understand the content of relationship. We will know growth in grace. Jesus says in John 14:6 I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Which childrens Bible would you recommend for using with toddlers? Use maps, whiteboards, games, time lines. 19. Leaning on one another, building a village, and seeing the Lord work in other mothers has been vital to my spiritual growth. The secular culture and even the evangelical feminist movement has stereotyped the biblical model of submission. It is holy and undefiled and perfectly lovely! What a relief! Share your favorite low/no-cost way to take a Sabbath. If Christs work stopped at salvation going to heaven by and by there would be little hope for us except to do the best we can. I also got them printed as 4x4 photos at Walgreens (its super easy to print pictures from their app) so I can hand them out to moms as a sort of flier.Ive done real fliers before at FedEx and Staples, and the Walgreens-photo-print is actually significantly cheaper, not to mention WAY easier. It's the equivalent of what some books call an "extending question" but without the need to think of another question. Childrearing The Mothers Role (suggested where mothers described in summary are predominant). Start Here. Proverbs isperfect for kids. This gave silent credence to the general consensus abroad in the nineteen-fifties that it was a dirty subject. How have you and your husband planned to maintain a unified front when discipline issues arise? We will find both protection and direction in doing so. But that is not the picture I have in my head as I pray for the thousands (millions!) Scripture is filled with people who faced problems and chose Gods way or their own way. What is the biggest problem you are facing right now? Raising Christ-Centered Children. Having seasoned mothers of older kids around me has been so crucial. What Does the End of Roe v. Wade Require of Us? It worked well in the beginning for each mom to put in $5, but as we got more kids and tried to cast a wider net, it became a barrier for some. Being a mom is not easy but its one of the most important roles that God designed. Connect with Becky on Facebook , Instagram and Pinterest! If that feels too aggressive, create a walking group with mom group members once a week. Share a time when you stood firm against your childs demands. There is SO much out there! Birth Behind Bars: Christians Fight Cruel, Outdated Prison Policies. Why? I feel that the moms ministry is very one sided and doesnt take suggestions kindly, they gear it towards stay at home moms of preschool children and homeschooling moms (which I feel limits us), they also suggest (kind of make us) pay for meeting up, as well as the topics I find repeat themselves. This study contrasts the worldly (secular) mind with the spiritual (Christian) mind. Here at MOPS, we gather and support moms. We recommend tackling a single topic per meeting, as you'll want to facilitate relaxed, in-depth conversations. Sign Me Up! I was hoping to have a moms group that doest follow a super structured book or devotional so that if a mom misses a week or wants to invite a friend, it doesnt seem overwhelming to them. Be patient and prayerful and God will grow the seeds of truth and fellowship you are planning with your small group. My heart grieved for mothers who might be in my similar stage of life butnothave a village yet, for whatever reason. Feature a personal opinion. Acceptance, knowledge, compassion . Start off gently and get even the most reluctant participant out of their shell. What is a song that has greatly impacted your faith? I can almost guarantee you that youre not the only one who sees the need! What parenting issues have driven you to the Bible for Gods advice? Usually, a group discussion will be based around a central topic. Couple Love Coupons - A Thoughtful Budget Friendly Gift for Valentines! Spiritual growth. Will our kids grow up to think America is great, or only that it used to be? The result is a given! December 25th is still a long way off, especially if you are a child. Well done - by this point you should have opened yourself up to others and feel more connected as a group and to God. You may rent or purchase video recordings of any of the Mom to Mom teaching sessions for your personal use via our Vimeo landing page. All four video teaching series are available for rent or purchase on our Vimeo page. Im off to a meeting and EMPTY but now Ive got some good pointed starters. January 22, 2023, Couple Love Coupons - A Thoughtful Budget Friendly Gift for Valentines! Godless people have made Gods perfect design for womens roles grotesque because their minds are darkened to the Truth. We were created to worship. 5. Share one thing you have done in your marriage that has contributed to its success. How do you teach your toddler to consider others wants and needs first? We just got a Mothers Ministry off the ground at our parish as well and it is small, but it is already so, so beautiful. Share creative ideas on how to teach scripture to toddlers and preschoolers. Coordinate small group snacks with a sign up. Becky Kopitzke Mark 7:21-23 tells us where sin comes from. Come hell or high water, good days or bad, she simply loves. I Peter 1: 13-16, Sexuality Gods Design Intention (appropriate for small groups or individuals in counseling). I personally want mothers of school age children and beyond to come how else will I find my mentor? Throw the confusion of peer pressure into the mix and you've got a potentially volatile brew for . I LOVE hearing these stories! I also created a Facebook group for the mothers ministry that anyone can be added to (members can add anyone, and admins approve anyone who requests to join). As I ask Jesus how He would want to encourage these women in our midst, I am reminded of the age-old advice that we hear from airline flight attendants. This was something we had at our tables when I attended MOPS (but I only went one year before it disbanded and as a newcomer it was harder to form those relationships. In the old way of thinking, if your church had that much going, you had men's ministry . The holy passion God intended in the marriage relationship has grown cold and untrusting in the crafty hands of the enemy of our souls! Paulsays inPhilippians 3:20, Ourcitizenship is in heaven, andfromitweawait a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ In Ephesians 2:19 he assures us that because of Christ, we are no longerstrangers and aliens,but arefellow citizens with the saints andmembers of the household of God Christs life, death, and resurrection brought people from every nation/tribe/language group into one heavenly family. Currently, we have been blessed by a few homeschooled high schoolers or college ladies who provide childcare for us. Our kids are hearing a lot of rhetoric these days on the news, in school, around the dinner table, and even in church. God mercifully brings rescue. In 2008, I started my online career by blogging as BlessedMomof5 on Wordpress. All Rights Reserved. Once we can be honest, with ourselves and . Ive been thinking of starting my own Moms Ministry this gives me hope to do so, my church hosts one and I am a part of but for a while its been put on my heart to start one. Blessings, Being an extrovert, I realized a year into MOPS that I really did get something out of it (my friend dragged mealmostkicking and screaming the first few times. sensitive to the timing, the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and the level of your friend's spiritual thirst. During my maternity leave after the first year (which just so happened to be our summer hiatus), I realized I liked the name for a blog better (and here we are), because no one really ever referred to the mothers ministry as Mission of Motherhoodthey called it moms group or mothers ministry. In an effort to make our church ministries more clear and avoid church language that might be confusing for non-members, I met with pastoral staff and decided Mothers Ministry was a more appropriate name because it clearly stated who the group was for and what we did. SAMPLE. It definitely limits things. Aside from this small group, whose goal is fellowship with other mothers, I lead a Bible study on Wednesday mornings in my living room for whoever wants to come. You may not have many moms in your church, but your community is surely packed with them. The following are a few important skills and traits that the interviewers or judges will look out for in members during a group discussion round. One of the points of parenting is to raise kids to be productive, decent, law-abiding adults, right? Check out our complete list of group names. I am not excluding any mom from this group, but dont want to surprise anyone if they show up and we pray before snack time or something else that might be faith based. How do you and your spouse take a day off together? Have you ever used your faith to serve another agenda? All of Gods Word provides us with illustrations of that unseen world of spiritual reality which God inhabits and which He calls us to see and know with our spiritual senses. Can you attain this Margy? A Titus 2 leader (older mom) is assigned to each small . Nothing excites our kids more than Christmas. It was a hard pill to swallow, but that day I decided that intimidating my children into short-term obedience wasnt worth it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hi there, Im Caitlin: mama bear, joy-seeker, daughter of the King, and wife! Here are seven things Ive noticed as a son, husband, and father (married to another incredible mom). 20. I am extremely inspired along with your writing skills and also with the layout to your blog. They tell them: 1. I do believe diversity is part of Gods plan for the kingdom, and so more types of moms can only bring more fruit to the discussion and mentoring of the group. It also defines the calling, role, and responsibilities of a Titus 2 leader. How do your children (or other children in your life) experience play? Call 800-473-7980 or e-mail us at marybeth@lifeaftersunday.com. 6. I know Ill, I must solve this problem lets see Ill, *Encourage/exhort/and give hope in all circumstances, *Have the Holy Spirit witness to our souls the truth of Gods Revelation, *Confirm the truth of the testimony about God, *Demonstrate His ability and faithfulness to His people. Do you remember songs like Dream, Dream or Strangers in the Night? Share one and how it developed. Mom to Mom: Titus 2 Leader Guide by Linda Anderson is designed to encourage and equip each of your Titus 2 leaders (the mentor moms). This topic looks at expectations from a biblical perspective and tells us from God's Word how we may know, embrace and love God in all of life's disappointments - in all the ways our expectations don't "work out" - from the husbands or friends who disappoint us, or the irritation of lost car keys and burned roasts, to the tragic life-altering I Was an 18-Year-Old Addict Carrying a Drug Dealers Baby, If God Is Your Father, You Have Seven Mothers. The suggested donation is $2-5/child. Becky believes parenting is one of Gods greatest tools for building our faith, character, and strengthand its not always pretty. What rises up in your heart? Are you looking for the best group name? My battle with postpartum anxiety challenged the limits Id placed on how God can heal us. Encourage creative and thoughtful responses. 34. a Biblically based parenting program designed around the Titus 2:4 concept of older women teaching and encouraging younger women in their relationships with their husbands and children. 3. It has decimated the roles God ordained to provide fulfilling, enriching lives of service for which we were designed as women. We are a community that sends out daily scripture to help and encourage you. What gives you the most hope for the future? Included are many helpful tips on leading . 25. Everything from the mundane details of living to the deepest expressions of love, joy, pain, frustration, and hurt depend on our ability to talk to one another. How can we learn from one another if we are all the same? Wow! At first I called the Mothers Ministry Mission of Motherhood. I abbreviated it M.O.M. With these evangelistic questions, use them appropriately. We are lucky to have a childcare space in the back of the church office so we can have time away from the children. Mothers sit with their adolescent children before TVs spewing out bawdy exhibitions of sexual acts and lewdness of every description, wholly without regard to any commitment to relationship let alone marriage. Does faith play an active role in your parenting? I would love to be able to branch out because I do think stay at home moms are only a small subset of the moms in the church body, and particularly my church body, but the truth was they just didnt come (or couldnt, I dont want to sound dismissive to the busy schedule of working and caring for children). Use them for teen devotionals, at the end of camp . All rights reserved. She said, Feel free to read the parenting books and gain what you can from them. In a moment it seems, we went from singing the songs to watching the movies and now we weep as sisters in Christ lose their marriages and our churches daughters bear children of relationships that should never have been. This study begins with that relationship of love, communication, and purpose in the Godhead evident even in the Creation account. Excellent! Is that this a paid theme or did you modify it your self? Becky Kopitzke is an author, speaker, singer, dreamer, lunch packer, snowman builder and recovering perfectionist. Have you ever struggled with losing Thanksgiving due to Black Friday shopping or traveling? Do you ever defer an issue until Daddy gets home? O ne of the best parts of my job of being a pastor is that I am able to lead two small groups. Giving God all praise and glory for seeing and putting this need on your heart to start with group for mothers. Awkward silence with extended family? Chosen by David P. Setran, author of Christian Parenting: Wisdom and Perspectives from American History.. Trying to get ideas where the older women could come along side the younger (like Titus 2) but not be too structured. Right now I coordinate the childcare ahead of time, but this is something I would love to task another mother with. What is your favorite memory? At the outset, my goal for the mothers ministry was fellowship among mothers in our church body. Angry, negative posts won't give you the support you need. Thank you for sharing this! How do you allow them to fail or struggle? If you know in advance you will be meeting fewer than 10 times, we'd suggest asking your mentee couple which topics are of greatest interest to them and then proceeding accordingly. As a result, I chose to work around their schedule and mine, and so we chose every 2nd and 4th Friday to meet. Name three things that make you happy. Use your mom group time to stretch your muscles and get fit. Galatians 6:2; Ephesians 4:2 ) 2. In doing so problem you are planning with your writing skills and also with the (. Reformation to the truth where sin comes from per meeting, as you & # x27 s... As instant downloads in MP3 format, speaker, singer, dreamer, lunch,... Its one of Gods greatest tools for building our faith, character, and its! You want to spark a fascinating discussion about heavy topics and you & # x27 ; ministry..., singer, dreamer, lunch packer, snowman builder and recovering perfectionist it in to. To ask when you want to facilitate relaxed, in-depth conversations still a way. 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