Not all do, though. Do you have a question or comment for ODFW? These areas provide protection from the deep snow and better foraging when plant life is scarce. Again, antler growth and size are directly affected by several factors such as diet, habitat, age and genetics. The mule deer has done increasingly well at adapting to drier more arid areas. They are edge-adapted species using the region's dense forest cover . Even with the tail down, a black-tailed deers tail has an outline of black, from the point to the base. Meanwhile, the black-tailed deer only reaches a weight of 225 pounds, stands between 2 and 3.7 feet tall, and grows between 4 and 5.5 feet long. Their antlers have one long tine that stems from their skull. This is especially true when the north and south variations of Bergmanns Rule are in effect. White-Tailed Deer vs Black-Tailed Deer: What Are the Differences? March 1, 2023 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, February 24, 2023 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes. This video and related graphic illustrate several key characteristics to help hunters (and others) distinguish between the two. Depending on the time of the year, their color ranges from nearly orange in the summer to more of a darker hue of gray in the fall/winter. For a very rough on the hoof estimate on an average sized deer. As you can see, many different types of deer roam across North (and South) America. are interesting. 20+ Foods, The 4 Best Deer Repellents: Reviewed and Ranked, in Canada, California, Oregon, and Washington State in the continental United States. Mule deer have a white rump and a tail with a black tip at the end of it. Whereas in the Western States where Whitetail can also be found, they can grow to a much larger size, with an average closer to what would be a monster in other states. Mule deers have a tendency to stay in large social groups when herding or foraging, while blacktail deer will rarely stay in a large group, usually only when feeding, before moving off on their own. Mule deer have a grey shade or brown coat color, depending on the time of year. This will be at no cost to you. Whitetail mules shed them from Jan to Feb, and mule deer will shed them in Feb or March. And remembering the names of each as the main identifier can be helpful when youre looking for those signs. ContactODFW's public service representative at Mule deer are more tolerant of noisy surroundings. That said, its very difficult to use this parameter alone to make the decision to shoot. 2.The doe has a more pointed track when compared to the wide track of the buck. Deer Population by State: How Many Deer are in the U.S.? The ranges of the subspecies of blacktail overlap latitudes, but the blacktail deer exist no . This process usually involves removing the entrails, reproductive tract, heart, lungs, diaphragm and part of the esophagus. Also, mule deer tend to be much more laid back and less jittery. Hello, and thank you for visiting Outdoors Mecca. Just ordered a copy. All in all, the white-tailed deer and the black-tailed deer are very different creatures. Blacktail deer are generally much smaller than Mule deer and form their racks similarly to that of Whitetail deer. Whitetails are found throughout the United Stateseverything east of the Rocky Mountain chain and well into Canada heading north. Since whitetails are more spread out, in terms of north and south, than blacktails, there are vast differences in the size of whitetails. Yet there is a clear difference between the antler scores of both deer. In the Southwests rugged and rocky terrain, you can find the gray ghost, and coues deer. The shape and angle of their ears dont affect how well either of them can hear. Here's a closer look at that business model. Western north america has more mule deer and black tailed deer. They're usually set at an angle of about 30 degrees from the mule deer's head, whereas a white-tail's ears are usually more vertical. In some seasons, antler shape can be easily used to distinguish species of male deer . The Sitka deer or Sitka black-tailed deer ( Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) is a subspecies of mule deer ( Odocoileus hemionus ), similar to the Columbian black-tailed subspecies ( O. h. colombianus ). Besides their body size, you may factor in genetics, nutrition, age, and where they live. You can also find them in the Southwest U.S. and up and down the western coast of North America. This video has historical information on the North Bank Habitat Management Area and the role it plays in managing Columbian white-tailed deer. Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are native to the Western part of North America and have a rather large and expansive area where they can be found. When a Whitetail is fleeing, it will throw its tail up in the air waving goodbye to your chance! Bucks in our coast range will live most of the year (cept the rut) in less than 1/2 sq mile if they have food cover and water. This is their number one defense against predators. As you can see, these animals eat similar types of food, but they eat many unique foods based on where they live worldwide. I've known for many years that the difference between prices is usually a direct link to quality and experience. Eastern north america is dominated by white tailed deer. The Columbian black-tailed deer fits the abovementioned measurements, but the Sitka deer is even smaller. They can be found in North and South America, New Zealand, Antilles, the Caribbean, and some European countries like Czech, Finland, and Romania. Deer vs Reindeer: What Are 8 Key Differences? Strangely enough, these deer never mate with one another, even in areas where their populations overlap. They tend to be higher up and in rocky areas. One thing is for sure though, when you see a muley stotting away, chances are they have already spotted you and without truly realizing it, they are putting a lot of distance and difficult terrain between you and them. These qualities can help immediately differentiate the two species, but other differences exist between the deer. Seeing a white deer can be a good omen in this regard. Check outourstories, videos and hard-hitting how-to'sondeer hunting. Mule deer have this antler formation that roots up like a fork; it further fragments it into two more forks on each prong stemming from its skull. . Plus a few laughs. In the spring when it starts to warm up they shed their grey color coat and grow a new brownish color coat. Many plant and animal species exhibit albinism (including humans). Most deer hunters field dress their game prior to bringing it in from the field. Whitetail deer have spread out more than mule deer. White-tailed: tail is very fluffy and white; will "flag" tail in the air when alarmed Mule: tail is thin . Mule deer behave much differently than whitetails. When you are creeping in on a big mule deer, be sure to move slow and remain as quiet as possible. Copyright Jesse's Hunting & Outdoors L.L.C. Specifically, theyll eat prickly lettuce, Gambel oak, quaking aspen, rice grass, goldeneye, and a wide variety of other foods. White-tailed deer antlers usually have prominent brow tines, and tines that split once directly off the main beam. As evident from the height and weight differences, mule deer have a more muscular look with broader shoulders, a thicker neck, and a larger head to support its larger antlers. I've written in a variety of niches such as video games, animals, and managed service providers. For example, a buck may have a net score of 155 as a typical, but a net score of 185 as a non-typical. From a distance, their antlers seem similar, but on close inspection, there is a distinct difference. The white-tailed deer lives in many places, so it has access to many foods. Mule deer have a darker forehead than that of a whitetail deer. Your email address will not be published. Updated weekly by fish and wildlife biologists throughout the state. Given that they can inhabit the same area and can even interbreed, knowing the difference between them can be tricky. Mule deer have smaller stomachs than whitetail deer, meaning that they also must be more selective in their diet and choose foods with a higher nutritional value. Depending on what part of the country you are in, you will find mule deer everywhere from 12000 foot tall mountain peaks to flat cornfields in eastern Colorado. Now calling them just deer is an understatement. The mule deer is known for having exceptionally large ears that resemble those of a mule. They follow a similar pattern to blacktails, avoiding the deep snow by going to lower elevations in the winter and moving higher in the summer. Anyone hunted or have experience with both? Deer are native to all continents except Australia and Antarctica, and many species have been widely introduced beyond their original habitats as game . Use all of these traits and never just one or two to help identify the breed of deer youre looking at before taking the shot. I'm a freelance writer with 8 years of experience. Have more success. They will shoot up their tail and run at the first sign of danger. Hunters must still obtain a hunting and/or Public access to lands suitable to huntcan be a challenge. Here Is the Latest Info. While they share similarities and can cohabitate, there are distinct differences in their size, appearances, habitats, and other factors that make each species unique. A mule deer's ears are angular about 30 degrees from its head, whereas whitetail deer's ears are quite round and vertical in comparison. Mule deer does weigh in between 100 and 220 pounds, whereas white-tailed does come in anywhere from 90-200 lbs. . 7+6+3=16. Their tracks and scat are almost identical, and they interact with their surroundings nearly the same way as well, as youll see chewed shrubs and foliage. Color variations between the two species are subtle but stand out once you see them. The white-tailed deer measures 150 lbs to 405 lbs, grow 1.7 ft to 3.9 ft tall and measures 3.3 to 7.2 feet long. tailed and Mule deer . Their weight can range from 75 pounds for a young deer to 350 pounds for a mature deer. Dr. Valerius Geist who is an expert on the history of deer sheds light on this by stating Muleys evolved from a cross between blacktails and primitive whitetail deer some 2 million years ago.. At first glance, mule deer and whitetail deer look the same. With muleys being available to hunt across 16 states, it is obvious they can be found across all types of terrain. If you go deep into the south, black-tailed females will outweigh female whitetails located that far south. My goal is to create helpful & engaging content, that may inspire or encourage you to get outside and explore. The most obvious difference between these two species is their tails. November 15, 2022 |Brow Tines and Backstrap. A mule deers ears are angular about 30 degrees from its head, whereas whitetail deers ears are quite round and vertical in comparison. A whitetail gets its name from its tail. The colour of their coat varies among subspecies as well as individuals. Though both species are related to one another (black-tailed deer being the offshoot progeny of whitetail), several, subtle differences set them apart. Salem, OR 97302 The blacktail deer is a subspecies of the mule deer. The mule deers scientific name is Odocoileus hemionus. The white-tailed deer is Odocoileus virginianus, and the black-tailed deer is Odocoileus hemionus columbianus. Dr. Valerius Geist is considered the #1 mule deer authority in the world. Mule and blacktail deer have even been known to interbreed, so a deer with a hybrid of each species characteristics is possible. Now that weve covered the major differences between a mule deer and a black-tailed deer, you should have a good idea of what makes them similar and what sets them apart. Can A Fisher Cat Kill A Coyote? Coues deer are found in Arizona and are much smaller than the Northern White-tailed deer. But there are certainly more differences. They prefer more open, sparsely forested areas that have rugged, rocky terrain. However, if both deer are eating the same diet, the taste between the two is nearly indiscernible. Stories of successfully calling in muleys or bringing in bucks by rattling antlers together are few and far between, but it may still be a good option to get a buck to show himself, if the signs of tracks are fresh and you are certain he is held up in some dense brush. The white-tailed deer and the black-tailed deer may live in similar areas of the world, but theyre different species. I hunt the same area Dan does and just wanted to say that I have seen scrapes and rubs, but the only place I've ever seen 'em is down along the river. The easiest way to tell them apart is by their size and tails more than anything else. A preliminary report on white-tailed and black-tailed deer crossbreeding studies in . The tail is While blacktails have similar ears, they are noticeably smaller than the mules, which is a great identification trick! Despite the larger, wider ears on the mule deer, both species have very acute hearing, and that's a huge advantage: they can hear predators coming from a ways off. It has a high protein content of 15-20%, depending on the cut. Mule deer are identifiable in the way they move, too. Be it the mountains or the desert. They would be happy to give you more information to make sure you are legal. Some just hunt one or the other. Required fields are marked *. It is a good idea to make sure you know more about what you are pursuing as a hunter and do your homework. I've written in a variety of niches such as video games, animals, and managed service providers. The further north you go the bigger in body they get, as per Bergman's law. Sitkas also are larger in the body. Mule deer have more white tones on their face than whitetail deer; it is a much lighter color than the rest of their body. The black-tailed deer will eat many of the same foods in forbs, lichens, grasses, and fruit. When I'm not working, I enjoy playing video games, reading, and writing for fun. Their hopping is the classic fleeing mechanism that people picture when thinking of mule deer. Metatarsal Glands . Blacktails prefer mild winters and humid environments. After all, that is where mule deer get their name. Both turn grey in the winter time and this tends to lead to mistaken identities. The predominant successful breeding among hybrids is between white-tailed bucks and mule deer does (Carr and Hughes 1993, Cathey et al. 20+ Foods, white-tailed deer is known for having a bushy brown tail with a white, The 4 Best Deer Repellents: Reviewed and Ranked, eat forbs and lichens, but they also eat cranberries. Site by Gray Loon. Whitetail deer incorporate more grasses into their diet as well as different nuts, seeds, and fungi. Do not hesitate to call your local Game Warden or Department of Natural Resources if you have questions. That said, telling a buck from a doe track is an art. These are two subspecies of the mule deer, sharing some but not all qualities with the main stem of the species. While the mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) covers a much larger area and varied terrain as it is found across much of the western U.S., Canada, and northern parts of Mexico. In terms of body size and weight there is not a massive difference, its not as if we are comparing elk to pronghorns, so this info alone is not enough to confidently declare them as being vastly different. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. in SW Oregon you have some chaparral/oaks/ with doug fir forests. The habitat which the blacktail calls home, specifically the Columbia blacktail, is abound with impenetrable vegetation made up of ferns, moss, fallen timber and ever green bushes. Their antler structure is also different than mule or Sitka black-tailed deer with antler points growing off one main beam. Mule deer have larger ears than the blacktail which is an obvious difference to the untrained eye. Another difference is physical shape. A mule deer has much more white on their face than a whitetail. Most hunters and deer enthusiasts in western North America are exposed to many wonderful species of deer. They appear to be more social during mating season with many displays of dominance occurring with mature bucks, while younger bucks conduct similar engagements as a form of social bonding. Size varies greatly from region to region and from one subspecies to another. They also eat forbs and lichens, but they also eat cranberries, elderberries, and huckleberries. Blacktails also have wider, bushier tails compared to the mule deer whose tail is longer and thinner. ). Contact 503-947-6042 orclick here. The tail of a hybrid looks very much like a typical whitetail, but is frequently much darker. Thanks ITDann. Blacktails also have wider, bushier tails compared to the mule deer whose tail is longer and thinner. Mule deer are different. Add the lengths of the G2, G3 and G4 (if present) multiply by 2 and add 95. Description. It was a means of survival for our early ancestors. Its also the same color as its coat with no black markings on it. Copyright 2023 Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Oregon Disabilities Hunting and Fishing Permit information. White-Tailed Deer vs Black-Tailed Deer: What Are the Differences? However, the black-tailed deer has a black non-bushy tail. The other subspecies would be the Sitka deer or Sitka Blacktail. Blacktail behavior vs. whitetail behavior? It seems like there is a lot more information on the market about whitetail deer behavior due to the larger range but I wonder if any of it is really applicable to blacktails? As previously mentioned, there are many more differences between the species than listed here. . if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_16',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Blacktail deer can be found along the west coast, from southern Alaska, to British Columbia, to northern Mexico, and even to islands off the coast of Vancouver. You may also like: Axis Deer vs Whitetail Deer: You Should Know These Differences! Lifespan: Up to 16 years. JSTOR, Available here:, National Wildlife Federation, Available here:, State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Available here:, Mule Deer Foundation, Available here:,the%20Canadian%20provinces%20of%20Saskatchewan%2C. The mule deer is the largest of the Odocoileus genus, standing, on the average, 40 to 42 inches at the shoulders and stretching 80 inches or so nose to tail. White-tailed deer are one of the most common in the Americas, but there are some less-known creatures, like black-tailed deer. You May Be Surprised. While deer can be albinos, it's exceedingly rare. Adult buck mule deers can range from 4 to 7 feet long and can stand up to 4 feet tall before their antlers. They are about three-quarters of the length of the deers entire head and help the mule deer pick up on faint sounds over their large, open territories. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Hunting in heavy snowed areas makes things a little easier, especially when picking up tracks but their bodies tend to stand out a more behind the white background. Your email address will not be published. Ribbon snakes love water, but are excellent climbers too. However, their territories do overlap in some locations. Crappy Weather/ Days off just not lining up for Coyotes. Besides the color of each deers tail, there are a few other differences in their fur and coloration that help tell the difference between one and the other. We have clearly shown how similar and different these animals can be, so its up to you to make the right call. Albinism is a congenital condition defined by the absence of pigment, resulting in an all-white appearance and pink eyes. But there are telltale things to look for. JavaScript is disabled. They are a much better option than corn or hay. . There are several minor but noticeable differences when trying to tell mule deer and blacktail deer apart. Coat colors greatly vary in mule deer and whitetail deer species. Hunters have been chasing whitetails and mule deer for thousands of years. Both deer are reddish-brown in the warm months, and their coat turns dark brown and gray in the fall and winter. This is true for both males and females. Some of the best examples of deer tracks are found in wet sand or shallow mud just like this one. Blacktail behavior vs. whitetail behavior? Is the general behavior of the backtail deer very different than that of the whitetail. (800) 720-6339. The mule deer is larger than the black-tailed deer, weighing 330 pounds and standing 3.8 ft tall and measuring 7 feet long at its greatest compared to the black-tailed deer, weighing up to 225 pounds and standing 3.7 feet tall, and measures 4-5.5. ft tall. There are some similarities between the two animals. While the blacktail deer has a darker face with fur that matches the rest of its body. Mule deer, as a general rule, like to live in rugged areas. The females will go into heat for a 24 hour period and most go in to heat in November in the northern portions of their range. deer, (family Cervidae), any of 43 species of hoofed ruminants in the order Artiodactyla, notable for having two large and two small hooves on each foot and also for having antlers in the males of most species and in the females of one species. The Columbia blacktail (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) ranges from central California up into the northern coastal areas of British Columbia, preferring thick vegetation and high rainfall areas. Mule deer will also, usually, have more prongs and points, and be broader, than the antlers of the black tail which are shorter and narrower. On their own, its easy to tell if you are looking at a Mule deer or a Whitetail. The differences in the tails of these deer is the best and easiest way to differentiate between the two species. Columbian white-tailed and black-tailed deer share the same habitat in some parts of western Oregon. It takes 100" to make book for a Sitka, and 125" for a Columbia. If youre going out hunting mule deer or whitetail, make sure you know the difference between the two so you dont end up shooting the wrong one. Columbian whitetail and Columbian blacktail live side by side in parts of Oregon. Others have hunted and continue to hunt both. They may look alike at first glance, but their unique qualities make it simple to tell them apart. Whitetail deer are generally shorter and tend to curve inwards more than upwards. The size of their ears is determined by what biome you find them in. Furthermore, the white-tailed deer stands up to 3.9 feet tall and grows 7.2 feet long, while the black-tailed deer stands up to 3.7 feet tall and 5 feet long. The white-tailed deer is larger than the black-tailed deer in every measure. Email theOregon Fish & Wildlife Commission at Luckily the question of if you are dealing with a blacktail deer vs mule deer can be solved with the identification of several interesting differences. A larger front track (above) of a white-tailed deer is stepped on by a smaller hind track. Black-tailed deer failed to retain the size of their parent species of mule deer, instead becoming the smallestin general termsof the deer populations existing on the continent. Deer Meat: 10 Things You Should Know About Venison, Discover The Largest Whitetail Deer Ever Caught in Maine, British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan in Canada. , Oregon Disabilities hunting and Fishing Permit information and whitetail deer: What are 8 Differences! Across all types of deer make book for a Sitka, and coues.! Is also different than that of whitetail deer: What are the Differences introduced beyond their habitats. 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