Id rather die terrified than live forever. ), hey, im liking your photos at 2am because i want to make out. May the Whump be with you :). You can also share snippets of the generated story by highlighting it and choose "Share this quote". Like a particular story combo? Swap names in prompt. Wood can be an iffy description for skin tone. The old GAang an the new GAang mixes. If you havent experienced something first hand, talk to people that have. "How much pain do you have to go through before giving up is okay?" 2. ), General Prompt: Put Your Villain on Trial, i'm actually weirdly proud of some of these lmao, I'm also not the person you want to ask to read or review your fic sorry, i am just a small lazy potato desperately trying to write my own stuffs, You dont have to act like youre okay., I never meant to fall in love with you, I just did., When you fall, Ill always be right there to catch you., I wont let anything bad happen to you., Youre the only person I wanted to be with tonight., Regardless of what they think, I know youre an amazing person.. Here's a list of 300+ fluff prompts to give you ideas for your stories. My goal is to have prompts that can inspire writers for all fandoms without forcing them to wade through prompts they cannot use. You can provide input and make suggestions/corrections at any point in the process. The world is black-and-white to everyone with vision when theyre born. Feel free to use or take inspiration from them as you see fit! 741 . Character A bakes too many Christmas cookies so they share it with Character B. Character-voice is I think one of the hardest parts of writing and here's two charts to explain my thoughts on why. But god damn. N: Nostalgia - What things that comforted them as a kid still work today? Similar to Spring Hole, it offer a series of specific generators depending on what you want to write and the writer's block you have. 45,127 notes. Somehow, someway Technology has been lost. Sexualities. # prompt # first sentence. (And then send pics. Would they mesh them all together and celebrate all at once? Character B works at a clothes store. The decision is up to the author on that count! 5 years ago / 284 . Why is it comforting to them? These are trickier to use. generation as the bearer feigns being markless in horror of the ), I think you are beautiful and I would like to kiss you. ), CANT STOP WONT STOP NOT SURE HOW TO STOP (WHY STOP), When you touch me, my mind is gone. Character As little sibling/child wants to meet their favorite celebrity/writer/person for Christmas. This is a perfectly fine description that, while not providing the most detail, works well and will never become clich. Have you ever come up with an entire plot outline but gotten stuck and given up on it? Is there a specific type of touch they respond well to? ), Todays a perfect day for naked cuddling. (Fact. Some will make you bust a gut. ), I love you the way a knife loves a heart the way a bomb loves a crowd the way your mother warned you about, essentially. While romance can pop up in almost any book of any kind, there still is an entire genre dedicated to straight romance. Perhaps because Ive never seen these in comparison to skin tone, With the exception of amber. Feel free to use it. How comprehensive you decide to get is up to you. Heres the second part of my October Snz Prompts! (Today is the most exciting day of our lives. give me orpheus turning when the audience stays silent. This applies to any and all writing. So normally us demons get assigned to torment and ruin humans lives. Now tell me, as you dragged me here, did it truly never cross your mind that you might be the sacrifice?, Now the thing is, I really dont think I ever learned how to forgive. Until your soulmate trips, falls, and exposes black blood. Bonus points if the pets are of different species or are unusual animals like snails, snakes etc. A fun first date would be going to your house to see if you have my bike. Lilo from Lilo & Stich as Commander Shepard from Mass Effect. This is how you know whats going on inside your villains head throughout the entire novel., What exactly was going on in those unspoken exchanges about previous identities, no-one with ordinary perception could possibly tell, especially the average Westerner, to whom reincarnation remains an enigma. But it doesnt tell you how some people with seizures are wary of holding sharp objects or hot liquids. You can also use writing prompt generator on our website to get detailed story ideas with word count and theme. Generate! (The second half will be posted if you are interested.). Look up first person accounts. This generator was mainly for a friend of mine but use it however you like. All prompts from the SFW generator are here. These prompts are here to give you ideas for your next fanfic, and can be changed or interpreted however you see fit. Voice Journal: Write a diary entry from your protagonists perspective. Character B is saidChristmas present. That's what this blog is here for! You can be as involved as you want- we can send frequent drafts for you to review, we can send you a the complete fic once we finish it, or anything in between. It's really easy to edit so I don't mind) being the creator of your own blorbo is so fucking hard I have to do EVERYTHING around here. We are so excited about this event and we hope to have lots of participation! Bonus for OT+: Peoplejust keep showing upneeding a bed and it gets progressively more ridiculous. (while you count clouds), I hate trying to put my desire into words when my body knows exactly what to say. The more the merrier. For example: Golden brown,russet brown,tawny beige, He was tall and slim, his skin a russet, reddish-brown., His skin was an ochre color, much like the mellow-brown light that bathed the forest.. Fanfiction Trope & Prompt Generator Make one of them a lifeguard and the other finds themself in need of rescuing--whether accidentally or on purpose. #super mario #incorrect quotes #prompt generator #mario x princess peach #mareach #nintendo #cat mario #mario movie. ), In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house and in that dark, dark house I think we should get drunk and fool around. Character A is pretending to be their friends lover for the sake of the friends family. Your prompt: generate at your own discretion. Sassbook AI Story Generator helps get the right words out. The ones no one wants others to see are hidden beneath long sleeves, turtlenecks, concealer, and masks as they bloom with dull, ugly color. X: Xenas - Do they see anyone as an inspiration in their recovery? Everyone is born with a tattoo on one of their arms, the first words (spoken, signed, or written) that their soulmate would share with them marked on their arms. a list of points you want addressed. Also, since it is randomly generated some results might not make sense. Edit Fanfiction Trope & Prompt Generator is a generator found on Perchance. We cant wait to read what you all create with these prompts! Joichiro would like to be anywhere else but with this man, thank you. Or dont if thats not your wish. Though I use standard descriptions of skin tone more in my writing, at the same time Im no stranger to creative descriptions, and do enjoy the occasional artsy detail of a character. and we will have that time. How does Person A meet their soulmates, and do the other two in the ship know each other prior to meeting Person A? A is afraid of the dark and the power goes out, B comforts them. Your prompt: Made by Leo Have fun! I suggest reading out your sentences aloud to get a better feel of how itll sounds. Bonus points if they're playing to win something (last cookie in the jar, or the loser has to clean the kitchen) and the left out character (s) are ganging up . - fevers from illness: flu, malaria, mystery diseases? They didnt want to think about how Phantom died. Because of this its common practice for many to greet people with outlandish statements, something entirely out of the ordinary and unique to make it easier for their soulmate to tell when theyve met them. (before anything can go wrong! (Participation medals of the heart. (I miss you), We are terrible for each other, and, yes, we are a disaster. Again Im new so if you have any constructive criticism feel free to tell me! Write A Prompt: Write some quotes you may include in the book at some point. Whether compared to night-cast rivers or days first lightI actually enjoy seeing Characters of Colors dressed in artful detail. Character As best friend rigs the Secret Santa, because they know Character A has a crush on Character B. Now, if the public stop calling him hero, everything would be amazing, A: My life was very, uh Easy, especially compared to everyon's here, don't worry about me, What B thinks:*Easy? All this time I thought you hated me so excuse me if I'm a little suspicious of this love confession I wouldnt overdo it and get specific to every mole and birthmark. Seriously, what the h-. Seventh Sanctum is one of the oldest writing prompt generators and story idea generators. (And you will always be someone who was beautiful, once. Can I offer you an idea? As the saying goes, give the devil his due. ), I joined Plenty of Fish to find out who stole my bike. One day, you meet your soulmate. A: Alleviate - How do they go about relieving persistent physical pain? If youre looking to get more specific than brown, modifiers narrow down shade further. The little things. Even if youre able to get us to picture what rutile looks like, why are you using this description as opposed to something else? T: Time - How long does it take for them to feel better after an ordeal or illness? (None of those lines seemed to be about you or me. and when they get there they find out the princess was fine and she'd just staged it all to look like she was in danger so she could set them up together After a war/apocalypse, a group of characters mess around in an abandoned city while trying to survive. Plot Generator The Ultimate Bank of 500,000+ Plots Plot Generator 1 million plot combinations to inspire you. Most importantly, the Fanfiction Generator is COMPLETELY FREE! (Dont worry. you dont have to eat the soup, but its there. With regard to submissions: no longer accepting fandom specific prompts and won't post them if I do receive them. Here's a few examples of what you might get! i want the tragedy to be the performance. O: Overworked - Who or what tells them to stop working and take care of themselves? I don't think easy is the accurated word. Shout out to fanfic writers who dont write often. <3. Sicktember is a month-long, multi-fandom prompt event that is taking place in September! All the superheros think that the vigilantes are, indeed, dangerous. Send stories out. Please refer to our FAQ . I count in binary, in my head. (Live every day like the ice cream store is closing. - cruel prince, "i wasted all those yesterdays and am completely out of tomorrows." ), Roses are red, Violets are blue, You can do whatever you want to me. info? Go wild with the prompts, and support your fellow creators, see what juicy whump theyve created too! (please do. (What a lovely home. Pairing and prompt generator, kink edition! Modern medicine? So consider your character and what you see fit to compare them to. NSFW prompt generator Generate Your prompt: Reupload of original generator plus some new prompts. I dont LIKE like you. Y: Yearn - What gesture, person or thing do they desperately want, but would never actually ask for? He has one opportunity to make his case for the jury. Character B has a small sibling/child. E: Emergency - What is their gut reaction when someone they care about is hurt? They didn't want to think about how the one time anyone gained a peek under his suit they saw a . otpisms. Prompt Generator; Summary. ), I would love you more if you were someone who could love me. 4. Not only due to several of them having foody terminology within their names, but again, associations. Youll definitely want to avoid purple-prose here. But before Hero can take a single step forward, they're tackled. Two characters who dont get along get trapped in an elevator together and decide to form a temporary truce. All prompts are ALWAYS free to use. ), I miss doing nothing with you. Its Character As first Christmas since a tragedy. 1) You send us an idea. C: Cling - Whose physical touch is considered most welcome in their minds when they are in need? IF YOU USE ANY! Halloween Party in which lots of sweet kissesensue + character A getting sick off the atmosphere, Ranting about annoying things that they both disagree with which leads to kissing and so on, Embarrassing parents forcing them to be friends which blossoms into more, A breaks a promise B had set and gives A the silent treatment leading A to at some point get down on his/her/their knees and begging for forgiveness, Walking in on significant other dancing to a cheesy love song. What was that incident like? Since October is my birthday month, and fall is one of my favorite seasons, I made a prompt list for all to join. They have markings that indicate where theyll touch their soulmate for the first time. Using a combination of color descriptions from standard to creative is probably a better method than straight creative. But they settle down. # and reblog to your own blog!! If there's a problem it can be quickly resolved. Maybe not so much. Is NASA recruiting? I hear sand and picture grainy, yet smooth. (beware the moon. It's been years since Villain ended the life of their rival. I WANNA READ WHAT YOU CREATED! Fanfiction Prompts @fanfic-prompts. The page will then generate a story based on your input. Dont stop at the scholarly sources. If you want to. Too many frills can become purple-prose-like, so do what feels right for your writing when and where. Online OTP Prompt Generator or OTP Fluff Generator tool works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Platonic prompt #22. (the way a human loves another human), Our love is like. It will also be the place where we showcase the fics from this challenge. Character A loses a bet and has to wear a different ugly Christmas sweater every day till Christmas. We have your main character, somehow sent to this future (be creative) where theyll have to adapt and decide whether the world is better off knowing the secrets of the past he/she can show them (rediscover) or if life has been improved with the simplification and lack of modern marvels. au--prompts. I'm just gonna stash and store any and all story prompts here. We reserve the right to refuse prompts/ideas if we feel uncomfortable fulfilling them. If youre writing something that involves an aspect of life that you have not experienced, you obviously have to do research on it. But now Hero stands before the world, alive, defiant, ready to stand against an even more powerful enemy than anything they faced before. (We love to promo work of any kind that's been made with inspiration from our posts). (*It was a Ghost Adventures fic, I went through a ~phase~), Just a small reminder that I dont post / share actual fanfic here, only fandom non-specificprompts. I also cant send personal messages from this blog (tumblr side blog rules, le sigh) so I cant really message some of your folks directly. -are shaking so bad they spill their drink. I can think up some clever lines, if youd prefer. - the invisible life of addie larue, "come home and shout at me. But I also looked at Yahoo asks where people where asking more obscure questions, sometimes asked by people who were experiencing seizures, sometimes answered by people who have had seizures. Person A is a president/prime minister/council member while Person B is a regular citizen/house maid. Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, most of your questions will be answered there already. - queen of shadows, "i loved him. - finale, "i will find you again in the next worldthe next life. Keep a pen and notebook handy for those ideas . Here are some romance writing prompts to get your epic tale of crazy love started. (No need to restrict oneself to 100 words, of course; there's also a hard mode of five 100w prompts.) - clockwork princess, "my name is sam cortland and i will not be afraid." Simply pick between fantasy, romance, sci-fi, mystery, or drama and click the button below to get started. zero one one zero one one and you count clouds. A prestigious site for pointless stories. Avatar: The last Airbender au where Aang escapes but he doesn't get in ice for a hundred years. as best i could." A Mass Effect au where humanitys introduction to the galaxy wasnt a war, but a rescue- specifically one of human children lost in space. Why or why not? Do it as a free-form document, in your villains voice, with all the emotion you can muster. (Look at you. So they thought. It's a good idea for everyone involved, except perhaps for those who are made into the ships. I looked at blogs and articles written by people who have had seizures regularly for as long as they can remember. for when you can't decide on an au. (I like you. Ive even heard variations of these used before by comparison to an object of the same properties/coloring, such as penny for copper. Favourite little whumpy dialogue phrases that can pack such an emotional punch: Just a reminder, Comfortember is a month-long challenge during the month of November and the focus is all things comfort. Log in Sign up. The second link doesn't seem to work. Sicktember is a month-long, multi-fandom prompt event that is taking place in September and is focused on sick characters and their caregivers. what perspective you want the text written from, if applicable. ), I dont know how to make things right. Thank you all so much for your patience and have fun!! Please use the #comfortember tag when you post so all the fics will be in one place! 1) You send us an idea. ), I am writing a book of love poetry for you. I pictured some tree-dwelling being or person from a fantasy world in this example, which makes the comparison more appropriate. It's a win-win.". If you have any question you can send an ask, dm me, join the discord, or check out the FAQ!! The AI story generator is a specialized AI writer dedicated to AI assisted story writing. All the demigods have the gift of run in any kind of heels. ), Life would be way easier if I were easier. I bought some rope and handcuffs to bring to bed tonight. "Myabe-" He started feeling those dirty feeling slowly climbing from his feets, grabbing him like chains, so heavy chains. Thanks for understanding :), Our love is a forest fire and we are the little things that live in the trees. Enjoy! Dialogue and prompts for all your whump/illness/hc needs, "Don't- don't touch it, please, it hurts-", "Alright, just a little more, take it slow-", Cowboy Medicine: Whiskey Internally & Externally Applied, Being Carried; Bridal, Firemans, Two-Person, Doesnt Matter- Being Carried, Coughing, or, God-Forbid, Sneezing, With Broken Ribs, Blankets/Shirt Collar Shifting Just Enough To Have Bandages Peeking Out, Dramatic Irony Injury Reveal (Audience Knows About It But Other Characters Do Not). (I can edit this at any time, so if you want a character added or something just ask me! Dont stop at wikepedia or webMD. reblog tags #quote #quote prompt #shipping prompt lethophxbia: halloween AUs prompts-archive-for-me reblogged this from whumpwillow. Use a random number generator to pick a number between 1 and 43. If so, what are they? Their other tattoo, however, is a series of letters and numbers that no amount of scratching their head has helped them figure out. I hope you all enjoy this years prompts! The choice ends up being easier than he expects. That's what this blog is here for! "Wait, before you go," A hurries towards the door, "take my scarf, it's chilly outside.". With regard to submissions: no longer accepting fandom specific prompts and won't post them if I do receive them. Person A had always been turned off by the idea that the tattoos on the back of their hands would determine who theyd be spending the rest of their life with, curling their noes at the thought that the universe would know better than them what they desired in a romantic relationship - who would be Best for them. So what do you have to lose? Bonus points if theyre playing to win something (last cookie in the jar, or the loser has to clean the kitchen) and the left out character(s) are ganging up on the gamer in the lead. - how to make friends with the dark, "they were my birthday presents." are supposed to be unique. Character B is their estranged childhood best friend. Seventh Sanctum has "writing prompt generator" that gives you random sentences that include ideas, dialogue, and . Angsty Hurt/Comfort Prompts for Anon. A confessing to their crush and crush turning them down. The OT3+ enjoys video games - but most are for 2 players only. And btw the fastest way is definitely discord since Im not always logged into tumblr but I will do my best to be logged in more often during the event! pictured above: warm / earth undertones: yellow, golden, copper, olive, bronze, orange, orange-red, coral | cool / jewel undertones: pink, red, blue, blue-red, rose, magenta, sapphire, silver. But, well, your life is already shit, so Im here to help you get back in your feet. He shout as response. "Maybe I want to die a little!". imagine being able to stick to a verb tense when ur writing . They enlist a character or two to help them look better and get some interesting results. Welcome to the fanfic maker. Need fiction writing inspiration? i am sick to death of fourth wall breaks that are funny. It doesnt tell you how epileptics feel when theyve just found out that theyre prone to fits. D: Deathbed - How would they react if they realized they may not recover from their injuries? You can send this to us via ask, or private message, or you can write it in a google doc and send us the link. BROTP: THE PLATONIC ONE TRUE PAIRING, the CHOSEN FRIENDSHIP, your entire blog can be identified as "that person who won't shut up about characters A & B"; Obscure: the one you've spent hours trying to create your own content for because there isn't even an existing tag for the friendship, there probably isn't even much art of the characters themselves, why must you suffer like this Im gay for YOU. Read on to get inspired and enjoy! Generate random plots starring Loki. Professions. but you were supposed to play a different role." Character A returns to their birth-town for the holidays. Just wanted to float this out there. ! She yelled at him with tears hidden in her tounge. load more Alternatively, Person A and B have the same name and they can bond over it/have hijynx. See and use our wonderful list of fanfic prompts one of the best parts of being in a fandom is being able to create your own unique content based off the existing canon of that particular fandom. In which Aang speaks like he was in the past century, the gaang tries to understand what is the kid who speaks with the same words as an old person but without the wisdom is saying and what is a comfort room. To those of you who participated last year, welcome back! Does anyone know that? Part 1 of Interactive Fanfic; Language: English Words: 316 Chapters: 2/2 Kudos . Views: Last Edit: Fanfiction Trope & Prompt Generator Make one of them a lifeguard and the other finds themself in need of rescuing--whether accidentally or on purpose. help me. Prompts by waytooshy, coding by me. (Today is the most exciting day of our lives.) Character B keeps ordering pizza in hopes that theyll see character A again. It doesnt tell you how their friends and family react to the news. Theyre (I want dirt under my fingernails. all credits go to rosenkow as this is all their idea and design. Also share snippets of the generated story by highlighting it and choose & quot ; days first lightI actually seeing! Knows exactly what to say you dont have to go through before giving up is okay? & quot writing... Before by comparison to skin tone written from, if applicable ( None of lines! And will never become clich ; 2 crush turning them down little sibling/child wants meet. Has one opportunity to make things right youre writing something that involves an aspect of life that you have bike. The invisible life of addie larue, `` i will not be afraid. enjoy seeing of. 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