Una serie de circunstancias llevarn al joven sevillano a tener que hacerse pasar por un autntico vasco e ir enredndose cada vez ms en el personaje para lograr sus propsitos. Whenever Spain needed to present a softer and more attractive image it took an Andalusian form, Sign up to EL PAS in English Edition bulletin, If you want to follow all the latest news without any limits, subscribe to EL PAS for just 1 the first month, Ocho apellidos vascos breaks Spanish box office records, Ocho apellidos vascos becomes most-seen Spanish movie ever, We have made science fiction come true! Scientists prove particles in a quantum system can be rejuvenated, A kilo of cannabis and a mind-blowing interview: When Bob Marley landed in Spains Ibiza, The world returns to an era of nuclear angst, Legendary journalist Seymour Hersh under fire for his reporting on the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, Bukele shows off thousands of imprisoned gang members in new mega prison, Maestra en Big Data y Analytics 100% en lnea, MBA Administracin y Direccin de Empresas en lnea, Programa en lnea en 'Project Finance' Internacional, Maestra en lnea en Direccin de Recursos Humanos y Gestin del Talento, Maestra en Comercio Internacional presencial en Madrid, Espaa, Maestra en Marketing Digital & E-Commerce. [8] La casa de la protagonista se encuentra ubicada realmente en Leiza (Navarra). Martnez Lzaros film goes far beyond the realm of the cheap joke. Besides, being Andalusian, i would be Sevillian, not from CordobaI am Sevillian, from the town of Cruz. Hola, soy profesora de espaol como segunda lengua. Mejores pelculas Comedia, Rafa, quequecreo que al final, nos falt un dia! 806 8067 22 All Rights Reserved. Decidido a conquistarla, Rafa viaja hasta un pueblo de la Euskadi profunda, donde para que Amaia le haga algo de caso deber hacerse pasar por vasco. As a lesson in intercultural Spain, this movie seems specifically made for Spanish language class, whether youre showing one scene or the entire film. Anexo:Las diez pelculas espaolas ms taquilleras de la historia, Medallas del Crculo de Escritores Cinematogrficos, Arranca el rodaje de Ocho Apellidos Vascos, El Puente de Triana acoge el rodaje de Ocho apellidos vascos, Leitza le pone el sabor a 'Ocho apellidos vascos, Ocho apellidos vasco coge la ola de Lo Imposible, Ocho apellidos vascos revienta la taquilla, Ocho apellidos vascos duplica su taquilla en su segundo fin de semana, La paradoja de los Goya: el peor ao en el BOE cierra con rcord de taquilla, Crtica de Ocho apellidos vascos (***): Euskadi tiene un sabor especial, Por qu nos gusta tanto Ocho apellidos vascos (una y otra vez) | Televisin |, 'Ocho apellidos vascos' se convierte en la tercera pelcula espaola ms vista de la historia con casi 8,3 millones, Ocho apellidos vascos tendr segundaparte, La secuela de 'Ocho apellidos vascos' se llamar finalmente 'Ocho apellidos catalanes, Telecinco convierte 'Casi familia' en '8 apellidos marroqus', RNE entrega este lunes los 59 Premios Sant Jordi de Cinematografa, https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ocho_apellidos_vascos&oldid=149086566, Pelculas dirigidas por Emilio Martnez-Lzaro, Licencia Creative Commons Atribucin Compartir Igual3.0, Rosa de Sant Jordi a la mejor pelcula espaola. Paco Character Profile. Underline the word in parentheses that best completes each sentence. Completa la frase dada de una manera lgica. Por ejemplo : Belinchn, Gregorio (21 de abril de 2014). El ttulo del film hace referencia a los ocho apellidos vascos que dice tener el protagonista, dos por cada uno de los cuatro abuelos, que son: Gabilondo, Urdangarin, Zubizarreta y Argiano, por va paterna; e Igartiburu, Erentxun, Otegi y Clemente, por va materna. But, alas, Ill have to be content watching Spanish movies instead the rest of the summer. [23], Ocho apellidos vascos tiene una segunda parte, dirigida por Emilio Martnez-Lzaro y coescrita por Borja Cobeaga y Diego San Jos. 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. Thus, Andalusia and Basque Country are presented as a . What is the French language plot outline for Spanish Affair (2014)? A movie we need to see if we can understand Spain. VBC72. Why speak in a language that Spaniards dont understand? wonders Rafa to a group of Basque followers he has inadvertently picked up in a nod to Life of Brian. 0.0 / 5. Highest grossing Spanish film in Spanish box office history. Production: LaZona films, Kowalski Films, Snow Films, Telecinco Cinema Cast: Clara Lago, Dani Rovira, Carmen Machi, Karra Elejalde, Alfonso Sanchez, Alberto Lopez, Aitor Mazo Director: Emilio. Ocho Apellidos Vascos made me wish I could explore the rest of Spain, maybe go south and hear other accents. Mon petit garcon "in a manner of speaking" - Rafa (to Amaia on the bus) Stereotype of basques - refers to ETA, "bunch of layabouts" - Amaia (about Andalusians) - stereotype, "solamente os levantis de la siesta para ir de juerga" - Amaia, "you just get up from your nap to go and party/binge" - Amaia (about Andalusians) - stereotype, "I wish it had worked out" - Amaia (about her relationship with Rafa), "a m no me toques espaolazo que te denuncio" - Amaia, "don't touch me Spanish that I denounce you" - Amaia to Rafa (in the bar at the beginning), "I wasn't very polite" - Amaia to Rafa about when they saw each other again, "I've fallen in love" - Rafa to his friends in the bar the next morning, "head over heals" - Rafa describing how he loves Amaia to Merche, "this woman in crazy" - Rafa about Amaia on the bus to Sevilla, "until tomorrow dears" - Merche to Amaia and Koldo (same thing the celebrity Anne says on TV), "he seemed very nice to me" - Merche about Koldo when they first meet, "si vamos a ser sinceros nos lo decimos todo" - Merche, "If we are going to be sincere, we say everything" - Merche to Koldo on the boat, "Amaia no me tiene que gustar a m, es l el que se va a casar con ella" - Merche, "I don't have to like Amaia, it is him she is going to marry" - Merche to Koldo about Rafa and Amaia's relationship, "she missed you a lot" - Merche to Koldo about Amaia, "how pretty you are" - Koldo to Merche in their lounge, "I'm going to be a grandfather" - Koldo to Amaia when he sees the wedding dress and thinks she is getting married, "you're not understanding anything" - Amaia to Koldo in the car, " no me ves en seis aos, no me conoces y a l slo de un rato" - Amaia, "you haven't seen me in six years, you don't know me and you know him even less" - Amaia to Koldo when he criticizes Rafa, "yo tambien te ha echado mucho de menos" - Koldo, "I have also missed you a lot" - Koldo to Amaia after Merche tells him that Amaia missed him, "yo ya te veo y yo s que andas enamorada" - Koldo, "I see you and I know you are in love" - Koldo to Amaia at the wedding, "cuidado con esta chica que a m me parece un poco manejanta" - Merche, "careful with that girl, she seems a bit bossy to me" - Merche to Rafa about Amaia at the port, "you're being a pushover" - Merche to Rafa, "por qu no te vienes un da a casa y te preparo unas migas" - Merche, "why don't you come to my house and I'll prepare you some migas" - Merche to Rafa on the bus when they first meet, "tranquillo, estuve en el taller de teatro y debo ser camalenica" - Merche, "Relax, I was in a theatre workshop and I had to be a chameleon" - Merche to Rafa when he asks her to pretend to be his mother, "me habis trado y me habis vestido de gilipollas" - Amaia, "you brought me here and you dressed me like an idiot" - Amaia to her friends at the bar talking about the flamenco costume, "what confession?" Its a clich thing to say, but in the four weeks that Ive been in Spain, I have heard so many different accents, many of which I also picked up on in this film. She's very drunk and has obviously been having a pretty terrible time since her husband-to-be left her with a large sum of debt. Luego pasan por un bar donde Rafa vuelve a toparse con su cuadrilla, los muchachos que haba conocido en la crcel, y luego, a pesar de haber demostrado no conocer el euskera, se vuelve el lder de una manifestacin independentista por las calles del pueblo, de la que, mirndola por televisin, tambin se enteran sus amigos de Sevilla. [9], En su primer fin de semana la produccin reuni 404020 espectadores, generando 2,72 millones de euros en taquilla. Comedia un tanto bsica que vale para echar unas risas una tarde de Domingo delante del televisor pero en pantalla grande y pagando puescomo que no. Sur la paille se repose. If youre planning on seeing this film, prepare for an hour and 45 minutes of wholesome laughter and empathy with the films characters. El ttulo del film hace referencia a los ocho apellidos vascos que dice tener el protagonista, dos por cada uno de los cuatro abuelos, que son: Gabilondo, Urdangarin, Zubizarreta y Argiano, por va paterna; e Igartiburu, Erentxun, Otegi y Clemente, por va materna. The use of cities as synecdoches or allegories of a larger territory has a long tradition in Spanish cinema; Ocho apellidos vascos seems to use this trope to create a characteristic, archetypical . This dissertation aims to loot at and analyze the stereotypes and the portrayal of Basques in the film Ocho apellidos vascos (Emilio Martnez-Lzaro, 2014). Conctate para comentar. As que Rafa dice que perdi su llave y, ayudado por Koldo, intenta entrar por una ventana, despertando a Merche y suplicndole ayuda. Its a comedy from Emilio Martnez Lzaro, a director with a long albeit not very extensive body of work which includes a series of quality titles: films such as Los peores aos de nuestra vida, Carreteras secundarias, El otro lado de la cama, and Las trece rosas, all confirm Martnez Lzaros filmmaking skill. 0.0 / 5. Octavio Paz - A 100 Years Go By in a Flash. Sinopsis: Rafa (Dani Rovira) es un joven seorito andaluz que no ha tenido que salir jams de su Sevilla natal para conseguir lo nico que le importa en la vida: el fino, la gomina, el Betis y las . me ves t montada en una calesa de esas tan horteras. Euskadi tiene un color especial! Avatar. Theres a reason these movies are so popular and the plots are so predictable: They make money. [18] Federico Marn Belln, del diario ABC, habl de pelcula valiente y oportuna,[16] destacando otro aspecto, el de la oportunidad, que tambin ha sido recalcado por ms crticos que a menudo la comparan con la pelcula francesa Bienvenidos al norte. As a comedy, this tale of a young southerner seeking to win the heart of a Basque girl is indeed a very Spanish affair. Protagonizada por Clara Lago, Dani Rovira, Carmen Machi y Karra Elejalde, la pelcula se estren en Espaa el 14 de marzo de 2014. Acerca de Ocho apellidos vascos Rafa es un joven seorito andaluz que no ha tenido que salir jams de su Sevilla natal para conseguir lo nico que le importa en la vida: el fino, la gomina y las mujeres. De 'Ocho apellidos vascos' a 'Los amantes, Western con un carcter muy particular, series adictivas y comedias que nunca fallan. [10] Esos datos la sitan entre los mejores quince estrenos de la historia del cine espaol. 2:10. When Rafael speaks, he skips the d when its in between two vowels. 8 apellidos vascos. In a sequence guaranteed to raise eyebrows in certain sectors of Basque society, he then proceeds to chant anti-Spanish slogans in Spanish. Ocho Apellidos Vascos. [25], El 19 de enero de 2023 se dio a conocer que la pelcula Casi familia, dirigida por lvaro Fernndez Armero con guion de Daniel Castro (basado en un argumento original de Diego San Jos y Borja Echevarra) se rebautizara bajo el nombre de Ocho apellidos marroqus, conformando la tercera parte de la triloga, an contando con un reparto y equipo totalmente renovados. Make sure you pick it up on DVD or watch it on a movie channel, always respecting copyright laws. The thing is, in Andalusia, nothing is what it seems. Sin embargo, Rafa tiene dificultades al inventar de carrerilla ocho apellidos vascos al cien por ciento y por ltimo menciona Clemente, apellido que no es de origen vasco. One of them credited. Underline the adverb clause in each sentence, and circle each subordinating conjunction. More from JustWatch. But hey, if the recent history of each territory allows us to hand out labels, then they should be on the clothes of those who hope to reduce everything Andalusian to a number of stereotypes. At first, Amaia rejects Rafaels advances, but when her estranged father, Koldo (Karra Elejalde, 100 Meters), unexpectedly shows up for her cancelled wedding, she desperately asks Rafael to stand in as her ex-fianc, Antxn. Aparte, de ser andaluz, sera sevillano, no de CrdobaSoy sevillano del barrio de la Cruz, Rafa- I am Basque! An Italian remake was made in the form of Benvenuti al Sud, a nearly identical version adapted to Italys geolinguistic circumstances, a film that also broke box office records in that country. Esta pgina se edit por ltima vez el 5 feb 2023 a las 23:02. O nome do filme faz referncia aos oito sobrenomes bascos que diz ter o protagonista, mais concretamente: Gabilondo, Urdangarn, Zubizarreta, Arguiano por via paterna e Igartiburu, Erentxun, Otegi e Clemente por via materna. - Rafa to the priest at the church, "el nuevo lder andaluz de la kale borroka" - Rafa, "the new Andalusian leader of the Basque independents group" - Rafa to Amaia at the protest, "hasta la independentzia y ms all" - Rafa, "to independence and beyond" - Rafa to the gang leaders (a line taken from Toy Story), "dormir con una vasca es como tirarte tres veces a una Malaga" - Joaqun, "to sleep with a Basque is like screwing a girl from Malaga three times" - Joaqun about Rafa and Amaia sleeping together, "he'll ask for a paella or something" - Koldo about Rafa when they are in the Basque restaurant, "tenemos que estar pagando sus siestas con nuestros impuestos sino que adems vienen aqu atirarse a nuestras mujeres" - Rafa, "not only are we paying for their parties with our taxes but they come and take our women" - Rafa to Koldo when he is about to find out that Rafa in Andalusian, "traemos dinero para pagar el rescate" - Joaqun, "we brought money for the rescue" - Joaqun to Rafa before the wedding, "que puede ser de la ETA o de algn comando" - Joaqun, "she could be part of ETA or some terrorist group" - Joaqun about Amaia, "cuidado Currito no vaya a haber un artefacto explosivo ah dentro" - Joaqun, "careful Curro, there could be a bomb in there" Joaqun about Amaia's purse, "cortarse el flequillo que parece que le han dado un hachazo" - Rafa, "to cut the hair as if with an axe" - Rafa about Amaia's hair - fringe, "est bien si vengo de recoger la aceituna" - Rafa, "it's good for picking olives" - Rafa to Amaia about the clothes she picks out for him, "el flequillo que parece que te ha pegado un bocado un burro" - Rafa, "the fringe looks like a goat chewed it" - Rafa about Amaia's hair, "los vascos no pueden vernos a los andaluces ni en pintura" - Curro, "Basques can't stand to see us, even in a picture" - Curro about Basques, "me trastocas la religin si quieres pero la gomina no me la tocas" - Rafa, "you can take my religion if you want but don't touch my hair gel" - Rafa to Amaia, "la cara de bestia que tiene el Koldo se" - Rafa, "una ronda te apuesto a que saco un bonito de ms de 15 kilos" - Koldo, "one round I bet you I'll get a big fish more than 15 kilos" - Koldo to Rafa on the boat, "las cosas all estn bastante ms tranquillas ahora", "solamente os levantis de la siesta para ir de juerga", Amaia - "You only get up from your siesta to go partying", Rafa - "leave with so much hug" Amaia - "don't touch me Spanish", "hay momentos en los que un aita tiene que estar ah y pagar la boda de la hija", Koldo - "There are times when a father has to be there and pay for the daughter's wedding", "me puedes dejar sin la medalla de la Macarena, pero la gomina, Rafa - "You can leave me without the Macarena medal, but the gel you don't touch me ", Rafa-The girl isn't guilty of being Basque, Rafa- Made up name with place in the Basque Country, Que soy vasco! A la noche, los cuatro se van a dormir a casa de Koldo. El amor etre los personajes vascos y andaluces fue inaceptable segn a Koldo y muchos personajes vascos. La secuela de 'Ocho apellidos vascos' inicia su rodaje el 11 de mayo Berto Romero, Rosa Mara Sard y Beln Cuesta acompaarn a los protagonistas Dani Rovira, Clara Lago, Karra Elejalde y Carmen Machi. Pero ms all de los tpicos, la pelcula lo que pretende es unir a todos los espaoles, hacernos ver que al fin y al cabo no somos tan diferentes, tocando suavemente un tema que est en boca de todos: la independencia que llevan durante aos pidiendo los catalanes y los vascos. Spanish Affair, despite the odd moment of gentle subversion, has been designed to keep everyone happy: prejudiced Spaniards are happy to find their bigotries indulged by the incessant stream of gags, which is basically stereotype-based, while those of a more ironic turn of mind find humor in watching the struggles of the hapless but engagingly undaunted Rafa to play his role. El amor y las risas!, porque aqu, de hecho, abundan los prejuicios, los chascarrillos a cuenta del vecino de villa-de-al-lado y las bromas gordas, bien gordas sobre los usos y costumbres de los del norte y los del sur, tan lejos y tan cerca, tan distintos y tan, sin embargo, parecidos. According to long standing stereotypes, people from Andaluca are friendly, open and expressive while those from the Basque country are more serious and less expressive. After all, just ten years ago, Basque terrorists were falsely accused of the Madrid bombings, an event which brought down a government. The piety of the large part of its inhabitants is not so much to do with dogma, but more related to childhood and beauty than liturgy. Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Harvey Guillen, Reparto El guion lo firmarn nuevamente Borja Cobeaga y Diego San Jose. That said, there is just one stereotype that those of us who were born or live in Andalusia despise idleness. Para olvidarle, viaja por primera vez a Sevilla con sus dos mejores amigas, aunque se siente incmoda dentro de un vestido de sevillana en un tablao flamenco. Imagine for a moment that the main character of Spanish film comedy phenomenon Ocho apellidos vascos was not a posh Andalusian from Sevilles Triana neighborhood, but his Madrid equivalent from Serrano street, complete with well-ironed polo shirt and gelled hair. Ocho apellidos vascos maitereina Seguir Informe Explorar ms vdeos Reproduciendo siguiente 6:02 Tras 'ocho apellidos vascos' y 'ocho apellidos catalanes' Universal Pictures lanza 'ocho apellidos marroques' 7NN 3:06 Ocho apellidos vascos Online Ver 8 apellidos vasco Alexalejo16 3:09 Los vascos habitantes en Madrid analizan 'Ocho apellidos vascos' Adems, contar con la ayuda de una mujer mayor que se har pasar por su madre. Todo ello, para que su futuro suegro est satisfecho de que su hija tenga una relacin con un vasco de pura cepa, y con sus ocho apellidos vascos. Hercules was always (to, too) strong for the bad guys. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. That foolery, in all honesty, is often the most interesting part of the plot. Publication date 2014 Topics Spain, Humor, Sexy Language Spanish. Ocho apellidos vascos (2014) Rafa es un joven seorito andaluz que no ha tenido que salir jams de su Sevilla natal para conseguir lo nico que le importa en la vida: el fino, la gomina y las . The Spanish language. Rosa Maria Sard Roser (as Rosa Mara Sard) Berto Romero Pau Beln Cuesta Judit Alfonso Snchez Curro Alberto Lpez Joaqun Josep Maria Riera Alcalde (as Josep M Riera) Csar Maroto Cartero (as Cesar Maroto) Esperanza Pedreo Lotera Betsy Trnez Mosso 1 Mar Alain Hernndez Mosso 2 Arnau Agustn Jimnez Anselmo Javi Chou Joserra Mara Forqu Investiga acerca de tus equipos favoritos para ver si - Qu cambio puedes observar en el estilo de la narracin? In Ocho Apellidos Vascos, though, its a different ballgame. Your teachers are making lists of rules for their classrooms. Youll also enjoy a funny vision of two well-known Spanish stereotypes, treated here with elegance and without unnecessary exaggerations. Rafa intenta localizarla buscando el nmero del padre de ella, aunque al llamar no recibe respuesta. Production: LaZona films, Kowalski Films, Snow Films, Telecinco Cinema Los vascos son as, mucha independencia, pero al final lo espaol les encanta, Merche - The Basques are like that, a lot of independence, but in the end they love Spanish. Lo curioso en el caso de ' Ocho apellidos vascos ' (Emilio Martnez Lzaro, 2014) es que tena al mismo tiempo tena muchas ganas de verla por contar con un guin de Borja Cobeaga y Diego San Jos y pensaba que podra parecerme una completa prdida de tiempo por estar protagonizada por Dani Rovira. Rafa Carmen Machi Merche Karra Elejalde Koldo Alberto Lpez Joaqun Alfonso Snchez Curro Aitor Mazo Padre Inaxio Abel Mora Pedro Aitziber Garmendia Iratxe Miriam Cabeza Edurne Iaki Beraetxe Ertzaintza 1 Egoitz Lasa Ertzaintza 2 Lander Otaola Borroka 1 Mikel Roman Borroka 2 Santi Ugalde Conductor Kepa Telmo Esnal Camarero Asador Itziar Atienza , Euskadi has a special color! Most of the rest of the film plays out in the Basque country, where Amaias engagement has just been called off. De los deportes que se practican en Estados Cine, Cine/Series. Colma su paciencia ver sobre el escenario a un monologuista haciendo chistes con tpicos sobre el pueblo vasco, por lo que ella se levanta de la silla y se enzarza con l. List of Ocho apellidos vascos (2014) Characters Characters played by Clara Lago Amaia Characters played by Dani Rovira Rafa Characters played by Carmen Machi Merche Characters played by Karra Elejalde Koldo Characters played by Alberto Lpez Joaqun Characters played by Alfonso Snchez Curro Characters played by Aitor Mazo Padre Inaxio Imagine for a moment that the main character of Spanish film comedy phenomenon Ocho apellidos vascos was not a posh Andalusian from Seville's Triana neighborhood, but his Madrid equivalent from. Ocho Apellidos Vascos, or its English title, Spanish Affair, is a romantic comedy, and I say that fondly. Aunque algunas escenas se rodaron en Sevilla, cerca del puente de Triana,[7] las principales localizaciones del largometraje se sitan en el norte de Espaa. El 11 de noviembre de 2015 Mediaset Espaa estren la pelcula en sus dos principales canales: Telecinco y Cuatro. Ocho apellidos vascos es una comedia que recupera el chiste por el chiste, fcil, rpido y de amplia carcajada. El humorista es Rafa (Dani Rovira), estereotipo de andaluz: chistoso, simptico, improvisador, trabajador de cuello azul, costalero y socio del Real Betis Balompi. Consigue sacarlo de prisin, y en su taxi lo lleva a su casa para preparar la presentacin a su padre. Acerca de SensaCine | !, y de los sevillanos no estara tan seguro!!! Keywords: spanish movies,spanish films,language lessons,spanish stereotypes,spanish film,language teachers. Question 4 Rquiem por un campesino espaol - Ramn J Sender . [14], La crtica especializada se mostr dividida en torno a la pelcula, aunque predominaron las valoraciones positivas. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. 21 das de prueba gratuita de nuestro curso de francs online, Mejore su ingls con EL PAS con 15 minutos al da, Disfrute de nuestras lecciones personalizadas, breves y divertidas, Mejore su italiano con EL PAS con 15 minutos al da, Las mejores oportunidades hablan alemn. Rafa - Euskadi has a special color! ocho apellidos vascos film. Obtendr un diploma con estadsticas de nivel, progresin y participacin. But there are a lot of laughs along the way as Rafa stumbles from one awkward situation to the next: having to recite his eight Basque surnames hence the films Spanish title to Koldo as evidence that hes 100% Basque; speaking Basque, which is famously one of the worlds most difficult languages; and getting arrested as a Basque nationalist. character and theme in Ocho apellidos vascos (Spanish Affair), this accessible guide will enable your students to understand the historical and social context of the film and give them the Ocho apellidos vascos was just released in theaters around Spain. Editor: ngel Hernandez Zoido They are joined by Carmen Machi and Karra Elejalde, who play a couple of wonderful secondary characters, masterfully providing support to the young protagonists. El guionista Diego San Jos se desvincul completamente del proyecto, indicando haber participado nicamente en el argumento previo de la pelcula Casi familia, afirmando textualmente que "lo que se rod, no tiene tanto que ver con aquel argumento" y que el guion de la ahora secuela lo firma en solitario el guionista Daniel Castro.[26]. Gonzlez 3.. Directors Emilio Martnez Lzaro Starring Clara Lago, Dani Rovira, . Unidos y Canad, el ftbol, el bisbol, el jai alai (la pelota vasca) y el tenis son algunos de Take, for example, the added complication of Koldos prejudice towards Sevillians. Spains north and south amusingly collide in this exuberantly played but outdated fish-out-of-water screwball comedy from vet Emilio Martinez-Lazaro. Producers: Ghislain Barrois, Alvaro Augustin, Gonzalo Salazar-Simpson Rafa es un joven sevillano de familia adinerada que conoce a una preciosa chica vasca durante los das de la Feria de Sevilla. Y como experto, Dani Rovira se encuentra en su salsa, se mueve con el mismo Que buen actor es Dani Rovira! 19.452 usuarios Merche - All my life being mother and son and we had not realized it! Ocho Apellidos Vascos - characters and quotes Term 1 / 68 "me vas a secuestrar?" "en plan de hablar" - Rafa Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 68 "Are you going to kidnap me?" "in a manner of speaking" - Rafa (to Amaia on the bus) Stereotype of basques - refers to ETA Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by So Rafa makes up eight Basque surnames, but he uses surnames of currently famous Basque people who you would normally see on TV or in the news in Spainfootball coaches, royals, celebrities and so on. Rafa (stand-up comic and presenter Dani Rovira, debuting in a feature here) stands up at the local fiestas and tells a couple of anti-Basque jokes, offending Amaia (Clara Lago), already unhappy at having been dressed up in the local costume. A ver, qu quieres? One hundred and thirty-two years of editorial freedom. Resident Evil Bienvenidos a Raccoon city, Spencer. A su padre no le ha mentido en su vida, y adems es muy cariosa y tiene un peinado que me encanta. The symbols of Spanish nationalism would once again become serious, offensive and incapable of raising a laugh in the movie theater. During the theatrical release, circulated two versions of the movie. Sure, there might be some strain if I were to mention my hometown (which is not beloved in Buckeye territory), but nothing that could threaten a marriage. Chante sa chanson. Rafa, poco antes de llegar a su destino, la ve bajndose del autobs y entrando en su casa. Su primer fin de semana la produccin reuni 404020 espectadores, generando 2,72 millones de euros en.! En su casa ve bajndose del autobs y entrando en su casa Spaniards dont understand subordinating conjunction entrando..., I would be Sevillian, not from CordobaI am Sevillian, from town! Nod to Life of Brian one stereotype that those of us who born! De semana la produccin reuni 404020 espectadores, generando 2,72 millones de euros en taquilla de amplia carcajada office.. Sacarlo de prisin, y en su primer fin de semana la produccin reuni 404020 espectadores, generando millones. Se practican en Estados cine, Cine/Series, series adictivas y comedias que nunca fallan Banderas, Hayek. Unnecessary exaggerations from vet Emilio Martinez-Lazaro that said, there is just one stereotype those! A funny vision of two well-known Spanish stereotypes, Spanish stereotypes, Spanish Affair is. La historia del cine espaol presented as a two versions of the.! Consigue sacarlo de prisin, y adems es muy cariosa y tiene un peinado que me.! Lago, Dani Rovira, box office history, rpido y de amplia carcajada I be! Emilio martnez Lzaro Starring Clara Lago, Dani Rovira se encuentra en su salsa, se mueve con mismo! Vascos es una Comedia que recupera el chiste por el chiste, fcil, rpido y de los que. Como segunda lengua, always respecting copyright laws y adems es muy cariosa y tiene un peinado que encanta. Lo lleva a su destino, la crtica especializada se mostr dividida en torno a la pelcula en dos! Realmente en Leiza ( Navarra ) symbols of Spanish nationalism would once again become serious, offensive and incapable raising. Theatrical release, circulated two versions of the cheap joke I say that.... Make sure you pick it up on DVD or watch it on a movie channel always... Esta pgina se edit por ltima vez el 5 feb 2023 a las 23:02 se mostr dividida torno! No le ha mentido en su salsa, se mueve con el mismo que buen actor es Dani,... In Spanish Hayek, Harvey Guillen, Reparto el guion lo firmarn nuevamente Borja Cobeaga y Diego Jose. La historia del cine espaol Clara Lago, Dani Rovira, Western con un carcter muy,! Country, where Amaias engagement has just been called off of Cruz 5 feb a... 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