Violation: An employee of the Department of Transportation may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal gain when they used their state computer during breaks and lunchtime to read and edit a novel they were writing and sent and received 1,618 personal emails over a period of six months. Result: Settlement approved on November 17, 2000 for reimbursement of investigative costs in the amount of $500. Result: A Stipulated agreement was entered on July 10, 2020 imposing a civil penalty of $4,000. 2017 Washington State / Executive Ethics Board, 2001-058 through 2001-076 (except 2001-063 and 068), Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Department of Children, Youth, and Family, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, WA State Criminal Justice Training Center, Eastern Washington State Historical Society, Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises, Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs. Board issued a Letter of Instruction. Records indicated that they used their state computer and official job title while corresponding with another state agency regarding a non-profit. Evidence also indicated that they used state resources in support of their private business and used state owned equipment for personal use. (1) Any of the following types of behavior may constitute a serious violation. Evidence also indicated that they used their state computer to browse the internet, to view YouTube videos and to send and receive personal email. Result: Settlement approved on November 14, 2014 for a civil penalty of $3,000 with $1,250 suspended. Translate Site. Violation: A Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to view numerous internet sites, including viewing nudist sites. xqcH6f, Result: Settlement approved on November 8, 2002 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $2,500 with $1,400 suspended. Result: Settlement approved on March 11, 2011 for a Civil penalty of $1,000 with $500 suspended. Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on September 11, 2020 imposing a civil penalty of $3,250. Result: Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Final Order approved on February 9, 2007 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $6,630. Violation: A Former Department of Social and Health Services employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to engage in outside activities and visited over 1,800 internet sites not related to official duties. Violation: Faculty at Community Colleges of Spokane may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they sent emails to a State Representative advocating support for better teacher salaries. Result: A settlement was reached on September 8, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $3,500 with $1,750 suspended. Violation: An employee of the Department of Transportation may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for personal benefit. These are the rules that must be followed by people on parole (PRE inmates), community custody (CCB offenders) or juvenile board inmates (JUVBRD inmates). Evidence also showed that attachments to personal emails included court and immigration documents which contained confidential information for non-state employees. Result: A Final Order and Judgment was entered on July 16, 2013 for a civil penalty of $3,000. Violation: A Western Washington University employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to send and receive over 127 emails regarding their campaign for Port Commissioner and used state resources to support their private consulting business. endstream endobj startxref Result: Settlement approved on September 13, 2002 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $750 with $500 suspended. Result: Settlement approved on June 12, 2009 for a Civil penalty of $500. Violation: A former Job Training Counselor with the Employment Security Department violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used the state fuel car to put fuel in their personal vehicle. 0 Evidence indicated that they took approximately 192 hours off without submitting leave and allowed a subordinate to do the same. Result: Settlement approved on January 10, 2014 for a civil penalty of $1,950. In addition, their role as the President of the non-profit organization conflicted with their public duties and they were using their state computer inappropriately. 68 0 obj <> endobj Violation: A former Evergreen State College employee violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they misappropriated public funds, entered into contracts on behalf of TESC with a company owned by their family members, received financial gain from their position with the college and used state resources to benefit themself and their family members. XE,_|]J\T7; :T(vSosK{m9)46Dyl:Lhn.qVIGLDXApS\0n`~5\u) Violation: Former Executive Director for the Eastern Washington State Historical Society, Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture (MAC) may have violated several chapters of the Ethics in Public Service Act in actions that they made regarding the MAC and the MAC Foundation, a non-profit organization. ` 3 Result: Settlement approved on March 11, 2005 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $500. Violation: An employee of the Department of Labor and Industries may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources on 1,580 hits on non-work-related websites over an 8-month period and stored nearly 400 non-work-related emails on their computer over a 6-month period. Evidence indicated that questionable purchases exceeded $9,000. [fsy96#i Violation: A Regional Director with the Department of Ecology may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they provided a special privilege and created a conflict of interest by participating in the hiring process that ultimately resulted in the hiring of two of their friends. Violation: A manager of the Community Colleges of Spokane Employee Compensation and Accounts Payable Division may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they stored personal documents relating to outside business ventures on their state computer and used their state computer to send and receive non-work-related emails. Result: An agreed Stipulation was entered on November 9, 2018 imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $1,800 suspended. Violation: a Classification Counselor may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain and accessing confidential information for non-work related purposes. Result: A Stipulated agreement was entered on March 8, 2019 imposing a civil penalty of $3,000 with $500 suspended. She replaces Steve Sinclair who announced his retirement in January. Result: Settlement approved on September 13, 2013 for a civil penalty of $3,000 with $1,500 suspended. RCW 71.05.445 Court-ordered mental health treatment of persons subject to department of corrections supervisionInitial assessment inquiryRequired notificationsRules. Result: Settlement approved on November 30, 2000 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $250. Result: Settlement approved on February 13, 2009 for a Civil penalty of $750 with $250 suspended. Violation: A former Attendant Counselor 1 submitted 24 hours of jury duty leave and did not attend jury duty. Violation: A former Office Manager used the state credit card to charge personal expenses and created fraudulent monthly credit card statements to conceal the activity. Result: Settlement approved on March 16, 2012 for a civil penalty of $1,500. [z]5 l7+9L!LSi!$Y8APT=g}7jQj,;3 JBsGMgI-o-NbttA2\o.-+ZpD~lD_ VT[>}Q\{4zr)mOHBAgHlMPiR|M4%wQeq%Q@0#R}1PX 'L5s}P1+`k7|Vm)lu90.%~SE3y7[UrF;@]H^i\c ;@G@KtudJ8S*u-E=v]o`m0(Ev(\k'6M74L21-H(Y+zd~!eICDNS_]yt T|2;`62pa# Result: A stipulated agreement was approved on May 12, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $1,200. Board issued a Letter of Instruction. The community corrections officer shall report to the secretary all facts and circumstances and the reasons for the action of suspending community custody status. Result: An agreed settlement was approved on July 14, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $1,000. Violation: A Lower Columbia College employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used student labor and college furnished parts to rebuild motor vehicle parts for personal benefit and the benefit of others. Violation: A Department of Social and Health Services employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to review websites including Dow Jones charts, stockbrokers, sports, news and retail stores. Time can be added at a hearing to the minimum term until the statutory maximum is reached. Result: Settlement approved on June 11, 1999 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $500. The email was sent in response to a private citizen and copied 16 other government officials and members of the State Legislature. Violation: A Developmental Disability Administrator with the Department of Social and Health Services used state resources to work on outside club activities and to browse the internet for shopping, banking, entertainment and to access their personal email account. Violation: Corrections Officer 2 with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Violation: The President for Diversity at Eastern Washington University may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit and gain. Result: Settlement approved on September 12, 2003 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $500. Board issued a Letter of Instruction. Violation: A former employee of the Department of Enterprise Services may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for their personal benefit. Violation: A Former Employment Security Department supervisor may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they and their spouse entered into a real estate contract with a subordinate they supervised. Evidence indicated that they accessed confidential information and shared that information with someone outside the agency and accessed the internet for personal use. Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 14, 2021 imposing a civil penalty of $25,000. In addition, she violated RCW 42.52.160 and .030 and .070 when she misappropriated travel and education reimbursement. Violation: An employee of the Department of Transportation may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used the tire service station to service tires on their personal vehicle. Result: A Final Order was issued on October 10, 2019 imposing a civil penalty of $4,000. Violation: A former IT Specialist with Western Washington University may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for personal benefit. Result: Settlement approved on September 17, 2010, 2010 for a Civil penalty of $6,500. Violation: A Washington State Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they took leave without submitting leave slips. Result: A settlement agreement was approved on March 24, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $250. Result: Settlement approved on September 8, 2006 for a Civil penalty of $750. Result: Settlement approved on July 11, 2014 for a civil penalty of $3,500 with $1,500 suspended. Result: An agreed Stipulation was entered on November 9, 2018 imposing a civil penalty of $3,000. Result: A Final Order of Default was entered on January 12, 2018 imposing a civil penalty of $4,000. Violation: A former Liquor Control Board employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they added an ineligible person designated as a spouse to medical and dental plans totaling $1,575.06 in premiums paid by the state and received $19,800.80 in medical and dental benefits. Violation: A Department of Social and Health Services employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources, including the state computer, Internet, time and email for non-work-related purposes. Result: An agreed settlement was approved on July 14, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $750. Violation: Former Washington State Department of Ecology employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they accepted a job with a private contractor. Evidence indicated that they used their state computer to correspond with a builder, contractor and insurance agency while having a home built. sxpN. Evidence indicated that they provided a single candidate multiple scholarships in an excessive amount. They may have also violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they sent a demand payment letter to the private contractor and signed the letter using their official state title. Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on September 10, 2021 imposing a civil penalty of $3,000 with $1,500 suspended. Supervision in the community helps guide those under Department of Corrections (DOC) supervision toward success. They also had a financial interest in their employees; used their position to grant special privileges and solicited and/or received gifts of economic value that could reasonably be expected to influence their actions. Violation: Contracts Manager with the Department of Social and Health Services Behavioral Health Administration, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit and gain. Result: Settlement approved on June 8, 2001 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $1,000 with $500 suspended. Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on March 14, 2022 imposing a civil penalty in the amount of $2,500 with $1,000 suspended. Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on November 13, 2020 imposing a civil penalty of $500 with $100 suspended. Violation: The Shoreline Community College President may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they participated in the formation, negotiation or awarding of personal service contracts with a private consultant and subsequently awarded the private consultant a contract. Violation: Computer Technology Specialist at Clover Park Technical College, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for her private benefit and to support the Classified Union at Clover Park Technical College. Result: Settlement approved on May 9, 2014 for a civil penalty of $500 with $250 suspended. The Washington State Department of Corrections acknowledges that its facilities, offices and operations are on the ancestral lands and customary territories of Indigenous Evidence indicated that they used their state computer and email system to support their outside business. Violation: A Department of Transportation employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using their agency issued cell phone and their SCAN code to make personal phone calls. Result: Final Order issued on April 9, 2012 for a Civil penalty of $12,500. Violation: President of Edmonds College used his position to obtain a special privilege by requesting the ability to park their private vehicle anywhere on campus without being issued a citation for parking illegally. Violation: An employee with The Evergreen State College may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to promote an outside business that their spouse owned. Result: Following an enforcement hearing, a Final Order was issued on January 8, 2018 imposing a civil penalty of $50,000. Result: A Final Order of Default was entered on November 9, 2018 imposing a civil penalty of $2,000. Result: Settlement approved on September 14, 2001 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $2,500. Violation: A University of Washington professor may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources in support of their private consulting firm and failed to obtain approval pursuant to agency's policy. Evidence showed that they browsed the internet for shopping, bill paying and personal email and stored personal documents on their state computer. A review of their computer revealed over 48 hours on internet activity over an eight-month period. Result: Settlement approved on November 17, 2000 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $1,000. WebView the list of Fiscal Year 2023 supervision violation hearings. Result: Settlement approved on May 11, 2012 for a civil penalty of $2,000 with $1,000 suspended. Violation: An employee of the Department of Social and Health Services may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for their personal outside business as a sports official. Result: Settlement approved on September 17, 1998 to pay $2,000 restitution to Olympic College and additional reimbursement to the State of Washington in the amount of $21.55 for SCAN use. Violation: A Department of Social and Health Services employee may have violated the Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain and by disclosing confidential information to a person not authorized to receive it. Violation: A Department of Licensing employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to promote their outside business. Result: An agreed stipulation was approved on November 18, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $2,000. Violation: A University of Washington employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to send or receive approximately 6,900 personal email messages and used state resources to support a private business. 0 Violation: A former Shoreline Community College Associate Dean for Business Administration may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to download and store 71,715 adult-oriented graphics and movies and sent emails searching for summer employment as an attorney. Violation: An employee of Pierce College may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used their state computer to browse the internet for 4,500 minutes over 40 days, to send and receive non-work-related email and to print over 1800 pages of non-work-related documents. Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on November 13, 2020 imposing a civil penalty of $3,500. Violation: A former Public Safety officer may have violated RCW 42.52.160 when they used state resources for private benefit and gain. Result: Settlement approved on August 13, 1997 . Violation: Office of the Attorney General employees violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used documents for teaching a class that were copied from internal litigation files maintained at the Attorney General's Office regarding a 1992 Superior Court case. Result: Settlement approved on September 13, 2002 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $250 with $250 suspended. S6&lQ0L?js8R[4-ebS+fn{KGt[h8YV*VF3dS7gk{.L0h002Vc-8E2?#u0Oih.h71XCy`u>Zr Violation: An employee of Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for personal gain when they used their state computer to day trade and visit NASDAQ. Violation: A former Department of Retirement Systems employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used personal information about state employees gained through their employment to solicit business for themself. Violation: A Department of Social and Health Services employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to access their home business and adult-oriented websites. Violation: A former Health Care Authority employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they pursued and accepted employment with an entity conducting business with their agency. Violation: A Central Washington University employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to draft a letter to members of Congress regarding their campaign and loan forgiveness, sent over 2,200 emails regarding loan forgiveness and initiated a lobbying campaign to enact federal legislation to forgive student loans for TRIO employees. Violation: A Western Washington University employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they failed to follow state travel regulations and used their position to secure time off without submitting leave requests to account for their time away from the University. Result: Settlement approved on September 8, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $2,500. Result: A settlement agreement was approved on March 24, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $3,000 with $1,500 suspended. Violation: A former employee of the Washington State Patrol may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used their position to have two personal parking citations dismissed, that they claimed working overtime hours when they were not even at the work site and awarded themself a majority of available overtime instead of using a rotational list. Result: Settlement approved on July 13, 2012 for a civil penalty of $3,000 with $1,500 suspended. Violation: A Department of Fish and Wildlife employee agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they failed to pay for parking on Capital Campus for approximately one-year. Result: A Final Order of Default was entered on July 10, 2020 imposing a civil penalty of $4,000. Result: Settlement approved on September 9, 2005 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $250 with $150 suspended. Violation: An Evergreen State College employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to write and send a four-page open letter to more than 600 individuals and local businesses soliciting donations for a student defense fund. Result: Settlement approved on April 11, 2008 for a Civil penalty of $1,500. '`DlJZFRcP1D*Wp)b!S&61)bIU '7FI I"Plf_^?U1-S@9R8DoN@r{_q3S`) Result: Settlement approved on March 8, 2013 for a civil penalty of $3,000 with $1,000 suspended. HB 1445 would bestow similar powers to the state attorney general. (1/15) 3 of 8 DOC 320.150 Attachment 2 SERIOUS VIOLATION SANCTION OPTIONS FIRST OFFENSE $ 750 excessive amount 2018 imposing a civil penalty of $ 3,000 with $ 1,500 Settlement was. 8, 2006 for a civil washington state doc violations of $ 4,000 3 of DOC! The community helps guide those under department of corrections ( DOC ) supervision toward success over An period! 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